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Here is the update list of publication by tentative categories categories in peer review journal.

List of Hubert Barennes’publications by categories (June 2015)


Global health in developing countries. 2

Road traffic accident 2

Research translation. 2

Epilepsy. 2

Tuberculosis. 3

Tropical parasites. 4

Emerging disease and infectious disease. 4


Hepatitis. 6

Malaria in children. 6

-Rectal quinine and treatement of uncomplicated and severe malaria. 6

-Malaria treatment (others) 8

Mother and child. 8

Tropical paediatrics. 9

Rectal treatment for severe malaria (see section malaria) 10

Hypoglycemia and sublingual treatment (Concerns also malaria) 10

Nutrition and breastfeeding. 11

Global health in developing countries.

Road traffic accident

  1. Slesak G, Inthalad S, Wilder-Smith A, Barennes H (2014) A capture-recapture method to evaluate road traffic accident in low resource areas. In press
  2. Slesak G, Inthalad S, Kim JH, Manhpadit S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Bouttavong S, Phengsavanh A, Barennes H. High HIV vulnerability of ethnic minorities after a trans-Asian highway construction in remote northern Laos. Int J STD AIDS 2012 August;23(8):570-5.
  3. Slesak G, Slesak RM, Inthalad S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Kim JH, Gogelein P, Dietz K, Barennes H. A hospital-initiated multisectoral road safety campaign with speed-adapted coconut drop test in Northern Laos. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2011 March;18(1):37-43.

Research translation

  1. Goyet S, Touch S, Ir P, SamAn S, Fassier T, Frutos R, Tarantola A, Barennes H (2015) Gaps between research and public health priorities in low income countries: evidence from a systematic literature review focused on Cambodia. Implement Sci 10: 217. 10.1186/s13012-015-0217-1 [doi].
  2. Goyet,S.; Barennes,H.; Libourel,T.; van,Griensven J.; Frutos,R.; Tarantola,A. Knowledge translation: a case study on pneumonia research and clinical guidelines in a low- income country. Implement Sci. 2014 Jun 26;9:82.


  1. Harimanana A, Chivorakul P, Souvong V, Preux PM, Barennes H. Is insufficient knowledge of epilepsy the reason for low levels of healthcare in the Lao PDR? BMC Health Serv Res 2013;13:41.
  2. Harimanana A, Clavel S, Chivorakul P, Perez F, Preux PM, Barennes H. Associated factors with adherence to antiepileptic drug in the capital city of Lao PDR. Epilepsy Res 2013 March;104(1-2):158-66.
  3. Chivorakoun P, Harimanana A, Clavel S, Jousseaume S, Barennes H. [Epilepsy in Lao Popular Democratic Republic: difficult procurement of a first-line antiepileptic contributes to widening the treatment gap]. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2012 March;168(3):221-9.
  4. Barennes H, Harimanana A, Vun MC, Chivorakoun P. The Lao initiative on access to treatment for epilepsy. Neurology Asia 16, 59-61. 2011.
  5. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, Clavel S, Somphavong S, Wangkou N, Rajaonarivo C, Harimanana A. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2011 March;96(3):309-13.
  6. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, et al. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2010 Aug 31.
  7. Tran DS, Zen J, Strobel M, Odermatt P, Preux PM, Huc P, Delneuville L, Barennes H. The challenge of epilepsy control in deprived settings: low compliance and high fatality rates during a community-based phenobarbital program in rural Laos. Epilepsia 2008 March;49(3):539-40.
  8. Barennes H, Tran DS, Latthaphasavang V, Preux PM, Odermatt P. Epilepsy in Lao PDR: From research to treatment intervention. Neurology Asia 2008;13:27-31.
  9. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Delneuville L, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Nubukpo P, Barennes H, Strobe M, Preux PM. Anxiété et dépression chez des patients atteints d'épilepsie à la République Démocratique Populaire du Laos. Epilepsies 2007;20:1-5.
  10. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Preux PM, Strobel M, Barennes H. Epilepsy in Laos: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community. Epilepsy Behav 2007 June;10(4):565-70.
  11. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Le TO, Huc P, Druet-Cabanac M, Barennes H, Strobel M, Preux PM. Prevalence of epilepsy in a rural district of central Lao PDR. Neuroepidemiology 2006;26(4):199-206.


  1. Barennes H, Keophithoun T, Nguyen TH, Strobel M, Odermatt P. Survival and health status of DOTS tuberculosis patients in rural Lao PDR. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:265.
  2. Ongkhammy S, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y. The bleach method improves the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in Laos. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009 September;13(9):1124-9.
  3. Nguyen TH, Odermatt P, Slesak G, Barennes H. Risk of latent tuberculosis infection in children living in households with tuberculosis patients: a cross sectional survey in remote northern Lao People's Democratic Republic. BMC Infect Dis 2009;9:96.
  4. Odermatt P, Nanthaphone S, Barennes H, Chanthavysouk K, Tran DS, Kosanouvong B, Keola S, Mathouchanh P, Choumlivong K, Keoluangkhot V, Phoumindr N, Nanthanavone S, Phrommala S, Degremont A, Strobel M. Improving tuberculosis case detection rate with a lay informant questionnaire: an experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bull World Health Organ 2007 September;85(9):727-31.

Tropical parasites

  1. Habe, S., Doanh, P. N., Yahiro, S., Vannavong, N., Barennes H Odermatt, P., Dreyfuss, G., Horii, Y., and Nawa, Y., 2013. Paragonimus paishuihoensis Metacercariae in Freshwater Crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Korean J Parasitol 51: 683-687.
  2. Barennes H Slesak, G., Buisson, Y., and Odermatt, P., 2014. Paragonimiasis as an Important Alternative Misdiagnosed Disease for Suspected Acid-fast Bacilli Sputum Smear-Negative Tuberculosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 90: 384-385.
  3. Odermatt P, Veasna D, Zhang W, Vannavong N, Phrommala S, Habe S, Barennes H, Strobel M. Rapid identification of paragonimiasis foci by lay informants in Lao People's Democratic Republic. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009;3(9):e521.
  4. Zhou Z, Barennes H, Zhou N, Ding L, Zhu YH, Strobel M. [Two outbreaks of eosinophilic meningitis in Yunann (China) clinical, epidemiological and therapeutical issues]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2009 May;102(2):75-80.
  5. Taybouavone T, Hai TN, Odermatt P, Keoluangkhot V, Delanos-Gregoire N, Dupouy-Camet J, Strobel M, Barennes H. Trichinellosis during pregnancy: a case control study in the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic. Vet Parasitol 2009 February 23;159(3-4):332-6.
  6. Yahiro S, Habe S, Duong V, Odermatt P, Barennes H, Strobel M, Nakamura S. Identification of the human paragonimiasis causative agent in Lao People's Democratic Republic. J Parasitol 2008 October;94(5):1176-7.
  7. Barennes H, Sayasone S, Odermatt P, De BA, Hongsakhone S, Newton PN, Vongphrachanh P, Martinez-Aussel B, Strobel M, Dupouy-Camet J. A major trichinellosis outbreak suggesting a high endemicity of Trichinella infection in northern Laos. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008 January;78(1):40-4.
  8. Odermatt P, Habe S, Manichanh S, Tran DS, Duong V, Zhang W, Phommathet K, Nakamura S, Barennes H, Strobel M, Dreyfuss G. Paragonimiasis and its intermediate hosts in a transmission focus in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Acta Trop 2007 August;103(2):108-15.

Emerging disease and infectious disease

  1. Slesak G, Inthalad S, Basy P, Keomanivong D, Phoutsavath O, Khampoui S, Grosrenaud A, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y, Odermatt P. Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique can diagnose paragonimiasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011 May;5(5):e1048.
  2. Yang X, Strobel M, Tian L, Barennes H, Buisson Y. [Bacterial flora in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Kunming, China]. Med Mal Infect 2011 April;41(4):186-91.
  3. Barennes H, Harimanana AN, Lorvongseng S, Ongkhammy S, Chu C. Paradoxical risk perception and behaviours related to Avian Flu outbreak and education campaign, Laos. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:294.
  4. Barennes H, Martinez-Aussel B, Vongphrachanh P, Strobe M. Avian influenza risk perceptions, Laos. Emerg Infect Dis 2007 July;13(7):1126-8.
  5. Barennes H, Baldet T, Cassel AM, Kabire C, Kambou C. [An epidemic risk of yellow fever in Burkina Faso despite a rapid immunisation riposte: role of a multidisciplinary investigation team]. Sante 2002 July;12(3):323-9.


  1. Barennes,H.; Tat, S. reinhardz D., VibolU. Perceived stigma by children on antiretroviral treatment in Cambodia. BMC Ped, 2014: 14
  2. Barennes,H.; Guillet,S.; Limsreng,S.; Him,S.; Nouhin,J.; Hak,C.; Srun,C.; Viretto,G.; Ouk,V.; Delfraissy,J.F.; Segeral,O. Virological Failure and HIV-1 Drug Resistance Mutations among Naive and Antiretroviral Pre-Treated Patients Entering the ESTHER Program of Calmette Hospital in Cambodia. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 28;9(8):e105736.
  3. Goyet,S.; Barennes,H.; Libourel,T.; van,Griensven J.; Frutos,R.; Tarantola,A. Knowledge translation: a case study on pneumonia research and clinical guidelines in a low- income country. Implement Sci. 2014 Jun 26;9:82.
  4. Rakotoniana,J.S.; Rakotomanga,Jde D.; Barennes,H.Can churches play a role in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic? A study of the attitudes of christian religious leaders in Madagascar. PLoS One. 2014 May 13;9(5):e97131.
  5. Morineau G, Vun MC, Barennes H, Wolf RC, Song N, Prybylski D, Chawalit N. Survival and quality of life among HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy in Cambodia. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2009 August;23(8):669-77.
  6. Nagot N, Meda N, Ouangre A, Ouedraogo A, Yaro S, Sombie I, Defer MC, Barennes H, Van de Perre P. Review of STI and HIV epidemiological data from 1990 to 2001 in urban Burkina Faso: implications for STI and HIV control. Sex Transm Infect 2004 April;80(2):124-9.


  1. Goyet, S., Lerolle, N., Fournier-Nicolle, I., Ken, S., Nouhin, J., Sowath, L., Barennes H Hak, C., Ung, C., Viretto, G., Delfraissy, J. F., Khuon, P., and Segeral, O., 2013. Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Transmission in HIV Patients, Hepacam Study, ANRS 12267 Cambodia. AIDS Behav

Malaria in children

-Rectal quinine and treatement of uncomplicated and severe malaria

  1. Achan J, Barennes H, Byarugaba J, Tumwine JK: The Importance of the Equivalence Trial Design for Comparison of Rectal Quinine Treatment with Other Quinine Applications. Clin Infect Dis 2008, 46:1796-1797.
  2. Achan J, Byarugaba J, Barennes H, Tumwine JK. Rectal versus intravenous quinine for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Kampala, Uganda: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis 2007 December 1;45(11):1446-52.
  3. Pussard E, Merzouk M, Barennes H. Increased uptake of quinine into the brain by inhibition of P-glycoprotein. Eur J Pharm Sci 2007 October;32(2):123-7.
  4. Barennes H, Balima-Koussoube T, Nagot N, Charpentier JC, Pussard E. Safety and efficacy of rectal compared with intramuscular quinine for the early treatment of moderately severe malaria in children: randomised clinical trial. BMJ 2006 May 6;332(7549):1055-9.
  5. Barennes H, Valea I, Nagot N, Van de Perre P, Pussard E. Sublingual sugar administration as an alternative to intravenous dextrose administration to correct hypoglycemia among children in the tropics. Pediatrics 2005 November;116(5):e648-e653.
  6. Pussard E, Straczek C, Kabore I, Bicaba A, Balima-Koussoube T, Bouree P, Barennes H. Dose-dependent resorption of quinine after intrarectal administration to children with moderate Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004 November;48(11):4422-6.
  7. Barennes H, Nagot N, Valea I, Koussoube-Balima T, Ouedraogo A, Sanou T, Ye S. A randomized trial of amodiaquine and artesunate alone and in combination for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children from Burkina Faso. Trop Med Int Health 2004 April;9(4):438-44.
  8. Pussard E, Barennes H (2002) Place de la voie rectale dans le traitement du paludisme. Pyrexie 6: 67-73.
  9. Barennes H, Sterlingot H, Nagot N, Meda H, Kabore M, Sanou M, Nacro B, Bouree P, Pussard E. Intrarectal pharmacokinetics of two formulations of quinine in children with falciparum malaria. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2003 February;58(10):649-52.
  10. Barennes H, Kailou D, Pussard E, Munjakazi JM, Fernan M, Sherouat H, Sanda A, Clavier F, Verdier F. [Intrarectal administration of quinine: an early treatment for severe malaria in children?]. Sante 2001 July;11(3):145-53.
  11. Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Kahia TF, Meda H, Khenine A. [Tolerance of quinine administered as an intrarectal solution in children in French-speaking Africa]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1999;59(4):383-8.
  12. Pussard E, Barennes H, Daouda H, Clavier F, Sani AM, Osse M, Granic G, Verdier F. Quinine disposition in globally malnourished children with cerebral malaria. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1999 May;65(5):500-10.
  13. Barennes H, Munjakazi J, Verdier F, Clavier F, Pussard E. An open randomized clinical study of intrarectal versus infused Quinimax for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Niger. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1998 July;92(4):437-40.
  14. Barennes H, Pussard E, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Kahiatani F, Granic G, Henzel D, Ravinet L, Verdier F. Efficacy and pharmacokinetics of a new intrarectal quinine formulation in children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996 May;41(5):389-95.
  15. Barennes H, Kahiatani F, Pussard E, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawouo S, Verdier F. Intrarectal Quinimax (an association of Cinchona alkaloids) for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in Niger: efficacy and pharmacokinetics. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1995 July;89(4):418-21.
  16. Barennes H, Kahiatani D, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawaouo S, Barennes-Rasoanandrasana F, Amadou M, Soumana M, Mahamansani A, Granic G, . [Rectal quinine, an alternative to parenteral injections for the treatment of childhood malaria. Clinical, parasitological and pharmacological study]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(4 Suppl):91-4.
  17. Barennes H. Is intrarectal injectable quinine a safe alternative to intramuscular injectable quinine? Trop Doct 1994 January;24(1):32-3.
  18. Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Soumana M, Sanda A, Verdier F. Bilan des études et impact en santé publique de l' utilisation de la quinine injectable diluée par voie rectale au Niger. Une solution face au dangers des intramusculaires de quinine chez le jeune enfant? Med Afr Noire 1998;45(4). Barennes H, Renouil M, Macaigne F, Raoseta V, Raoelina Y . Efficacité de la quinine injectable diluée en intra-rectal dans le paludisme de l’enfant et excrétion urinaire de la quinine. Med. Afr. Noire, 1993; 40 : 401-403.

-Malaria treatment (others)

  1. The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AS-AQ Study Group. The effect of dosing strategies on the therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC Medicine 2015, 13:66 doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0301-z
  1. Barennes H, Srour LM, Pussard E (2010) Is it too soon to eliminate quinine? Lancet Infect Dis 10: 141-142. S1473-3099(10)70009-8 [pii];10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70009-8 [doi].
  2. Phommanivong V, Thongkham K, Deyer G, Rene JP, Barennes H. An assessment of early diagnosis and treatment of malaria by village health volunteers in the Lao PDR. Malar J 2010;9:347.
  3. Inthavilay S, Franchard T, Meimei Y, Ashley EA, Barennes H. Knowledge and acceptability of the rectal treatment route in Laos and its application for pre-referral emergency malaria treatment. Malar J 2010;9:342.
  4. Barennes H, Pussard E. Lack of alternative to rectal artesunate for pre-referral treatment of malaria ? Rectal quinine as an available and effective health tool. J Med Ethics 2010. Published 30 June 2010 http://jme.BMJ.com/content/36/2/116.full/reply#medethics_el_3566
  5. Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? Trop Med Int Health 2010 February;15(2):232-40.
  6. Zwang J, Olliaro P, Barennes H, Bonnet M, Brasseur P, Bukirwa H, Cohuet S, D'Alessandro U, Djimde A, Karema C, Guthmann JP, Hamour S, Ndiaye JL, Martensson A, Rwagacondo C, Sagara I, Same-Ekobo A, Sirima SB, van dB, I, Yeka A, Taylor WR, Dorsey G, Randrianarivelojosia M. Efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for treating uncomplicated falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-centre analysis. Malar J 2009;8:203.

Mother and child

  1. Schantz C, Kruy Leang S, Ly EM, Barennes H, Sudaroth S, Goyet S (2015) Reasons for routine episiotomy: a mixed-methods study in a large maternity hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Reproductive Health Matters in press.
  2. Harimanana A, Barennes H, Reinharz D. Organizational analysis of maternal mortality reduction programs in Madagascar. Int J Health Plann Manage 2011 July;26(3):e186-e196.

Tropical paediatrics

  1. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Rene J, Maniphet P (2014) High infant mortality and beriberi in northern Laos. PLOS Neglected Disease, 9: e0003581. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003581 [doi]
  2. Barennes,H.; Pussard E. Improving the management of dysglycemia in children in the developing world. AJTMH, 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Barennes,H.; Tat, S. reinhardz D., VibolU. Perceived stigma by children on antiretroviral treatment in Cambodia. BMC Ped, 2014: 14
  4. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, Clavel S, Somphavong S, Wangkou N, Rajaonarivo C, Harimanana A. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2011 March;96(3):309-13.
  5. Ravelomanana T, Rakotomahefa M, Randrianaivo N, Raobijaona SH, Barennes H. [Mother's educational level and children's illness severity in the emergency unit of Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital. What kind of implications]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):75-9.
  6. Ravelomanana T, Rabeatoandro S, Randrianaivo N, Ratsimbazafy A, Raobijaona H, Barennes H. [Is oral rehydration with nasogastric tube more efficient than rehydration with spoon? Preliminary study in children with non-severe dehydration in Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital, Madagascar]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):90-5.
  7. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, et al. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2010 Aug 31.
  8. Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton PN, Strobel M. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 March;63(3):323-31.
  9. Barennes H, Valea I, Boudat AM, Idle JR, Nagot N. Early glucose and methylene blue are effective against unripe ackee apple (Blighia sapida) poisoning in mice. Food Chem Toxicol 2004 May;42(5):809-15.
  10. Huygens P, Konate B, Traore A, Barennes H. [Traditional enema for newborns and infants in Bobo Dioulasso: health practice or socialisation]. Sante 2002 October;12(4):357-62.
  11. Barennes H. [Intramuscular injections in Sub-saharan African children, apropos of a frequently misunderstood pathology: the complications related to intramuscular quinine injections]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 1999 February;92(1):33-7.
  12. Meda HA, Diallo B, Buchet JP, Lison D, Barennes H, Ouangre A, Sanou M, Cousens S, Tall F, Van de Perre P. Epidemic of fatal encephalopathy in preschool children in Burkina Faso and consumption of unripe ackee (Blighia sapida) fruit. Lancet 1999 February 13;353(9152):536-40.
  13. Barennes H, Azzaratou I, I. The cost to families of the hospitalization of their child in niame. Sante 1998 November;8(6):405-10.
  14. Barennes H, Tahi FM. [No solution for neonatal mortality in sub-saharan Africa? Evaluation and perspectives in the urban environment of Niamey, Niger]. Sante 1995 November;5(6):335-40.
  15. Barennes H, Raoelina, Y Raoelina B Evolution des prestations du service de pédiatrie de Morondava(Madagascar):morbidité et morbidité Med Afr Noire, 1995.

Rectal treatment for severe malaria (see section malaria)

Hypoglycemia and sublingual treatment (Concerns also malaria)

  1. Barennes,H.; Pussard E. Improving the management of dysglycemia in children in the developing world. AJTMH, 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Barennes H Willcox, M. L., Graz, B., and Pussard, E., 2014. Sublingual sugar for infant hypoglycaemia. Lancet 383: 1208-
  3. Sambany, E., Pussard, E., Rajaonarivo, C., Raobijaona, H., and Barennes H 2013. Childhood dysglycemia: prevalence and outcome in a referral hospital. PLoS One 8: e65193-
  4. Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? Trop Med Int Health 2010 February;15(2):232-40.
  5. H.Barennes, Moussa Dicko, Bertrand Graz, Eric Pussard, Merlin L Willcox

What is the efficacy of sublingual glucose in children with severe illness ? Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2009 27.

  1. Graz B, Dicko M, Willcox ML, Lambert B, Falquet J, Forster M, Giani S, Diakite C, Dembele EM, Diallo D, Barennes H. Sublingual sugar for hypoglycaemia in children with severe malaria: a pilot clinical study. Malar J 2008;7:242.

Nutrition and breastfeeding

  1. Barennes H, Slesak G, Goyet S, Aaron P, Srour LM (2015) Enforcing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes for better promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Can lessons be learned? J of Human lactation in press.
  2. Mozaffarian D, Fahimi S, Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadeh S, Engell RE, Lim S, Danaei G, Ezzati M, Powles J; Global Burden of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Expert Group.Global sodium consumption and death from cardiovascular causes. N Engl J Med. 2014 Aug 14;371(7):624-34
  3. Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Fahimi, S., Lim, S., Andrews, K. G., Engell, R. E., Powles, J., Ezzati, M., and Mozaffarian, D., 2014. Global, regional, and national consumption levels of dietary fats and oils in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis including 266 country-specific nutrition surveys. BMJ 348: g2272-
  4. Barennes H Aaron, P., Goyet, S., and Srour, L., 2013. Regulation and the food industry. Lancet 381: 1901-1902.
  5. Powles, J., Fahimi, S., Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Ezzati, M., Engell, R. E., Lim, S. S., Danaei, G., and Mozaffarian, D., 2013. Global, regional and national sodium intakes in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis of 24 h urinary sodium excretion and dietary surveys worldwide. BMJ Open 3: e003733-
  6. Barennes H, Empis G, Quang TD, Sengkhamyong K, Phasavath P, Harimanana A, Sambany EM, Koffi PN. Breast-milk substitutes: a new old-threat for breastfeeding policy in developing countries. A case study in a traditionally high breastfeeding country. PLoS One 2012;7(2):e30634.
  7. Barennes Hubert. Early solid food introduction related to early risk of stunting in breastfed children Lao PDR, Pediatrics 22 Fev 2011
  8. Barennes H, Srour L. Breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products Letter to the editor. J Paediatr Child Health 2010 Jul;46(7-8):448-9.
  9. Barennes H, Choonara I. Breast feeding and drug therapy in neglected diseases. Arch Dis Child 2010 Mar;95(3):222-3.
  10. Barennes H, Srour LM. Misleading Prevalence of breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products. Journal of paediatrics and child health 2009;in press.
  11. Srour LM, Barennes H: Will Nestlé's Bears Continue to Mislead Parents and Threaten Infants Lives? BMJ http://www.BMJ.com/cgi/eletters/337/sep09_2/a1379#208354
  12. Barennes H, Srour LM: Nestlé's Violations of the International Code on the Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes. BMJ 2009. http://www.BMJ.com/cgi/eletters/337/sep09_2/a1379#204311
  13. Slesak G, Douangdala P, Inthalad S, Onekeo B, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Srour LM, Barennes H: Misuse of coffee creamer as a breast milk substitute: a lethal case revealing high use in an ethnic minority village in Northern Laos. BMJ 2009.
  14. Barennes H, Andriatahina T, Latthaphasavang V, Anderson M, Srour LM. Misperceptions and misuse of Bear Brand coffee creamer as infant food: national cross sectional survey of consumers and paediatricians in Laos. BMJ 2008;337:a1379.
  15. Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton PN, Strobel M. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 March;63(3):323-31.
  16. Vallée J, Simmala C, Barennes H. L'influence du contexte urbain et social sur les comportements des femmes lors de leur grossesse et après leur accouchement, en périphérie de Vientiane, Lao PDR. Espace Populations et Sociétés 2006;2-3:351-9.
  17. Barennes H. [Should ambulatory nutritional recovery centers in Niamey (Niger) be closed? Analysis of the situation, proposals and evaluation of an intervention]. Sante 1996 July;6(4):220-8.
  18. Barennes H, Banos MT, Garba D. [Malnutrition and health status of children under five years old in the suburban zone of Niamey, Niger]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(2):139-42.
  19. Barennes H, Ratsimbazafy A, Ratsimbazafy A, Rwagacondo C,. La récupération nutritionnelle de l'enfant malnutri par le "Koba Patsa" (bouillie de crevettes au riz) à Madagascar. 1996;43(8):612-17. Ann Ped 1996;43(8):612-7.

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7 mai 2015 4 07 /05 /mai /2015 02:20

List of Master, PhD, Medical Thesis direction or co direction

PhD Direction (2014)

1.E Lavoisier, HIV adolescent in transition to adult care (U Bordeaux France, 1st year)

2.S Goyet Knowledge transfer from research to policy (U.Montpelier, France) Dec 2014

3.Aina Harimana: Accès au traitement de patients épileptiques (U LImoges France) Dec 2011

4.E Sambany: Hypoglycémies et glycémie de l’enfant en zone tropicale. Définitions des seuils biocliniques, investigations des mécanismes biologiques et mise au point de traitement adapté en zones tropicales (U Bordeaux France) stopped

5.Tran Ducsi : Epilepsie au Laos, Institut Epidémiologie et Neurologie Tropicale, Limoges, Soutenance juin 2007 (Local supervisor)

Direction-codirection of Masters

Year 2014 Supervision Master 1 Geographie

Year 2013: Master director of Khang Virak: evaluation of 1rts and 2nd line HIV ART in children at National paediatric hopsital, Cambodia

Year 2011: 4 masters Laos and 1 Master Université Laval Canada

Year 2005-2010 List of Masters International Health and Tropical Medicine (Vientiane Laos)

  1. Bounsouheu CHAYKAODAXUE. Evaluations de la PICIME/IMCI dans le district de HOM, province de Vientiane RDP LAO en 2010. IFMT, 2010.
  1. Emercia Marie Michaëlle SAMBANY. Hypoglycémie chez les enfants admis au service de pédiatrie de Befelatanana MADAGASCAR. IFMT, 2010.
  2. Khouaneheuane SENGKHAMYONG. Béribéri infantile dans la privince de Luang NamthaUne cause majeure de mortalité infantile en 2010 ? Etude de cas en milieu hospitalier et communautaire. 2010.

12.SHI JING. Validation d'un instrument de mesure de la qualité de vie chez les patients atteints de MPOC à Kunming, YUNNAN CHINE. IFMT, 2010.

13.Yang Mé. L'accouchement sans douleur face à l'accouchement naturel au Yunnan en Chine. IFMT, 2010.

14.Tania Vogel. Analyse organisationnelle de la prévention routière au Laos. Collaboration U.Laval-IFMT Master U.Laval Quebec. (CoDirection D Reinhard-H Barennes) Sébastien Clavel. Facteurs lies à l’observance de patients épileptiques selon 2 interventions, hospitalière et communautaire en république démocratique populaire Lao. Université III Toulouse Paul Sabatier. 127 p. Thèse de Pharmacie (Direction H.Barennes)

15.Sébastien Clavel. Master 2 Santé Publique Spécialité Santé Internationale et Pathologie Tropicale Option Santé Publique Internationale. Université Bordeaux II. 124 p (Co-Direction F Perez-H Barennes)

2009 Masters

16.Chivorakul, Phetvongsinh. Facteur de risque des petits poids de naissance à VTE. 2009.

17.Frichitthavong Amphonexay. Etude des coûts de la prise en charge des patients vivant avec le VIH à Savannaketh et Setthatirath. 2009.

18.Phanatda, Sisavath. Risque de tuberculose chez l'enfant en contact d'adultes avec tuberculose active à Vientiane, Laos. 2009.

19.Rakotoniaina, Jerry Sylvio. Implications des leaders religieux dans la lutte anti-VIH à Madagascar.

20.Ramanantsoa, Lucie. Evaluation du réseau de surveillance des sites sentinelles : fièvre et diarrhée à Madagascar. 2009.

21.Supiot, Lucie. Coûts de la prise en charge des patients vivant avec le VIH au Laos. 2009.

Masters 2008: Laos, Madagascar, Vietnam,


23.Chanthasone SOUVANNASO. AVC au Laos : enquête CAP auprès des patients victimes et de la population générale en 2008

24.Somchay LORVONGSENG. VIH/SIDA et risque de santé chez les femmes et chez les professionnelles du sexe à Attapeu, Laos-2008

25.Aphonethip AKKHAVONG. Retard croissance et développement psycho-moteur des enfants de 36-44 mois en zone péri-urbaine de Vientiane

26.Lanechia SAIOUDOM. Pesticides et risques sanitaires à Xayabury, Laos 2008

27.Malaychanh PHANTHAPHALISITH. Evaluation comparative de la consultation prénatale dans les provinces de LuangNamtha et Vientiane

28.Phetkim SAYASENE. Facteurs associés au surpoids chez les femmes de 20-60 ans à Vientiane en 2008

29.Aina Nirina HARIMANANA. Analyse organisationnelle du programme de réduction de la mortalité maternelle à Madagascar. Direction Pr D. Reinharz


31.Syxiong BISAYHER. Séroprévalence et facteurs de risque de l’hépatite E chez les jeunes femmes de la province de Xiengkhouang, Nord-Est Laos

32.Somvay ONGKHAMMY. Amélioration du dépistage de la Tuberculose pulmonaire par bacilloscopie en RDP Lao, par la méthode de fluidification-centrifugation à l’eau de Javel

33.HOANG Thi Hué. Infections nosocomiales en réanimation néonatale à l’hôpital national de pédiatrie de Hanoi, Vietnam


Masters 2007: Laos, Madagascar, Vietnam, Chine, Cambodge

35.Dasavanh Manivong : Facteurs de risque associés à de la mortalité néonatale dans la capitale de Vientiane.

36.Bouathip Phongsavath. Prévalence de l'atteinte rénale chronique et facteurs de risque en milieu semi urbain.

37.Koukeo Phommasone. Prise en charge de la douleur dans les hôpitaux centraux de Vientiane, état des lieux et perspectives.

38.Vilada Chansamouth. Épidémiologie et impact des fièvres en cours de grossesse dans 2 hôpitaux de références. Vientiane.

39.Nanthasane Vannavong. Prévalence et dépistage de la paragonimose chez les écoliers dans une zone endémique. District de Hinheub.

40.Nokham Bouttvong. Etat nutritionnel et santé du couple mère enfant et développement psychomoteur de l'enfant à 24-30 mois (3ème suivi de cohorte en zone péri-urbaine de Vientiane).

41.Vanila Inthepphavong. Étude des béta-Lactamases à Spectre Étendu chez les hospitalisés en 2005 – 2006 au service de Maladies Infectieuses, à l'hôpital de Mahosot.

42.Virasèeng Rajpho. Besoins obstétricaux non couverts en césarienne dans le district de Sépone (province Savannaket).

43.Chine Année 2007

44.Chen Xi. Validation d’un questionnaire de détection des troubles cognitifs et de la démence chez les sujets de plus de 65 ans, et étude de leur retentissement sur la famille dans des hôpitaux de Kunming, Yunnan, Chine

MadagascarAnnée 2007

45.Rajatonirina Soatiana Cathycia. Les femmes enceintes face aux dangers et à la stigmatisation du sida en milieu urbain à Madagascar, étude comparative dans 2 villes.

46.Razakatiana Hasiniaina Hugues. Étude des comportements à risque et des connaissances sur le VIH/SIDA dans les différentes catégories des professionnelles du sexe à Antananarivo.

47.Rahariniaina Justin Daniel. Profil épidémiologique et facteurs de risque du VIH chez les homosexuels.

Masters Cambodge 2007

48.Sovann Tat. Suivi du traitement ARV dans une cohorte d'enfants VIH à l’hôpital national pédiatrique de Phnom Penh.

Vietnam Année 2007

49.Hoang Thi Thu. Evaluation de la paragonimose pré et post intervention dans le cadre d’un programme d'éradication de la paragonimose en milieu scolaire au Nord du Viet Nam

Masters 2006: Laos, Vietnam,

50.Vanhpheng Phuoangsavady. Etat nutritionnel et morbidité d’une cohorte de 300 mères-enfants à Vientiane

51.Phetsavanh Chanthavilay. Profil clinique du diabète chez l’adulte : étude descriptive transversale dans 2 deux hôpitaux centraux (Setthathirath et Mahosot) à Vientiane.

52.Thounmany Taybouavone. Conséquences d’une épidémie de trichinose pendant la grossesse

53.Phimpha Paboliboun. Prévalence du diabète à Vientiane et étude de cas témoin des facteurs de risques

54.Syvilay Thammakack. Etiologie des fièvres inexpliquées lors de la grossesse

55.Bounnam Xomvimane. Etude cas – témoin sur l’association entre dyspepsie et parasites intestinaux

56.Phonepasong Souhathammavong. Prévalence et facteurs de risques de lithiases vésicales chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans pris en charge à l’hôpital et zones rurales de la province de Khammouane

57.Boupa Thongmalayvong. Prévalence du VIH-Sida dans la cohorte de patients tuberculeux d’Attapeu

58.Ngyuen Tran. Facteurs de dissémination de la tuberculose dans les villages du Nord Laos

59.Phonsavan Manivongsy. Etude descriptive des malades négligés dans 90 villages du Nord Laos

60.Viengvaly Phommanivong. Etude des déterminants socio-économiques et nutritionnels pour une nouvelle approche de la malnutrition infanto-juvénile au Laos


61.Eang Hor. AVC au Cambodge : enquête CAP auprès de patients, familles et population générale.

62.Ly Sowath. La rage au Cambodge en 2004 : situation épidémiologique et projections.

63.Uk Ponha. Dépistage du VIH au Cambodge : enquête CAP a Phnom Penh.

64.Vietnam Année 2006

65.Hoang Truong. Infection humaine a Streptococcus suis : projet d’étude cas-témoin des facteurs de risque à l’hôpital des maladies tropicales de Ho Chi Minh Ville.

Masters 2005: Laos, Madagascar, Vietnam, Cambodge, Chine

66.Chansimmaly Simmala. Comportements alimentaires et état nutritionnel du couple mère enfant au Laos : enquête transversale en zone péri-urbaine, Vientiane.

67.Khoutphet Phommathet. Alimentation et état nutritionnel du post-partum : influence des modalités d’accouchement à Xayabouly.

68. Thongdam Kèophithoune. Tuberculose au Laos : suivi de 172 cas dépistés par le Programme national de la province d’Attopeu (2002-2004).

69.Panekham Vongphachanh. Infections opportunistes du SIDA au Laos : étude hospitalière rétrospective 2001-2004.

70.Viengsene Sènesombath. Tuberculose et VIH : Étude clinique rétrospective a l’hôpital de Savannakhet (2003-2005).

71.Soubanh Thotsakanh. Gnathostomose et parasitoses tissulaires : dépistage et étude cas-témoin a Paksane, Laos. Duong Veasna. La paragonimose au Laos : étude épidémiologique et radio-clinique (2003-2005).

72.Manisone Khennavong. L’activité antimicrobienne des urines comme marqueur de la prise d’antibiotiques : étude sur 2000 échantillons (Vientiane, 2004-2005).

Chine year 2005

73.Zhang Wei. Transmission mère enfant du VIH en Chine : projet d’intervention dans la province du Yunnan.

74.Zeng Jie. Dépistage de l’épilepsie : adaptation et validation d’un questionnaire (OMS-Université de Limoges) chez 400 sujets a Kunming, Yunnan.

75.Chen Ying. Tuberculose au Yunnan : étude de la qualité de vie des patients en traitement DOTS (Xishungbanna, Yunnan, Chine).

76.Zhou Zhou. Méningite a éosinophiles : étude descriptive a Kunming, Yunnan, Chine, 2003-2005.

Europeen Master 2004: Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II.

77.Innocent Valea Programme de lutte contre l’intoxication à Bighia Sapida.

78.Medical Thesis (22)

79.France University of Dijon 2007

80.E. Franon. Evaluation de la réponse institutionnelle à la menace de grippe aviaire au Laos.

Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Faculté des Sciences de la Santé (1998-2002)

81.Tatiana Balima. Etude comparative de la tolérance de la quinine en intrarectale et en intramusculaire chez l’enfant. (Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury)

82.Innocent Valea. Essai clinique chez la souris d’un traitement de l’encéphalopathie due au Bighlia Sapida (Jamaican Vomiting Sickness). Thèse Pharmacie. (Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury)

Niamey Niger Université des Sciences de la Santé Abdou Moumouni (1991-1998)

83.Inoussa Azzaratou. Coûts de l'hospitalisation et dépenses des familles dans un service de pédiatrie africain, Janv 1997. (Mention très honorable)

84.J.M Munjakazi. Efficacité de la quinine en intra rectale et en perfusion dans les Neuropaludismes de l'enfant. Déc 1996. (Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury)

85.Djibbo Gabba. Dépistage et prise en charge communautaire des enfants malnutris en zone périurbaine de Niamey. 1995. (Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury)

86.Mahaman Sani Aboulaye. Essai clinique et pharmacocinétique de la crème de gluconate de Quinine en intra rectal. Déc. 94. (Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury)

87.Rubanatou I. Epidémiologie descriptive de la santé infantile en période post néonatale en milieu urbain à Niamey. 1994. (Mention très honorable)

88.Ranou Abache. Connaissances et pratique des matrones en néonatalogie, en milieu rural Haoussa, 1994. (Mention très honorable)

89.Salomon N’Djinfountawo : Etude clinique et pharmacocinétique de la Quinine en intra rectale dans le paludisme de l'enfant. Mars 94. (Mention très honorable)

90.Moustapha Tahi. Epidémiologie descriptive de la mortalité périnatale et néonatale à Niamey. 1993. (Mention très honorable)

Madagascar, Faculté de Médecine d’Antananarivo. (1991-2004)

91.Ranaivo Suzette. Injections intra musculaires et déficit du membre inférieur à Madagascar.1991.

92.Ratsimbazafy N. Etude comparative de la tolérance de la quinine en intrarectale et en intramusculaire chez l’enfant. 2004.

Medical Thesis (Dissertation) (Laos) (selection)

  1. Laos : Université des Sciences de la Santé 2007 (6 dissertations between 2005-2008)

94.A. Chantamavong : Evaluation du recours médical avant DOTS des patients tuberculeux à Vientiane. (juin 2007)

95.P. Chivorakul : Compliance et suivi des patients tuberculeux en DOTS à Vientiane. (juin 2007)

Partager cet article
7 mai 2015 4 07 /05 /mai /2015 01:59

List of communications 2013

  1. Barennes H, Slesak G, Inthalad S, Kim JH, Manhpadit S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Bouttavong S, Phengsavanh A. High HIV vulnerability of ethnic minorities after a trans-Asian highway construction in remote northern Laos. 2012. XVIIIe Actualités du Pharo, Marseille France
  2. Barennes H. Edible insects in Lao PDR, National survey, 2010. 2011 Mar 30; FAO conference on edible insects Vientiane Laos: FAO; 2011.
  3. Barennes H. Promoting breastmilk substitutes challenges breastfeeding in traditional high breastfeeding country, example of Laos . Workshop on the Code of breast milk substitute in Laos Vientiane Laos 2011.
  4. Barennes H. Promoting breastmilk substitutes challenges breastfeeding in traditional high breastfeeding country, example of Laos . XVIIe Actualités du Pharo Mères et enfants sous les tropiques Marseille France 2011.
  5. Barennes H. Vers un traitement non invasif du paludisme grave de l'enfant en conditions isolées. 2011 Nov 16; Conferences publiques de l'Université de Geneve Suisse 2011.
  6. Barennes H. Challenges for Disease Control Programs and their management in resource limited countries. Video conference Vientiane/Brisbane (Australia) 2011.
  7. Barennes H, Harimanana A, Vorachit S, Chivorakun P, Sengkhamyong K. Initiative acces au traitement des malades epileptiques au Laos. 2011 Jan 24; Mekong Santé Phnom Penh Cambodia 2012.
  8. Barennes H. Edible insects project in Lao PDR, National survey, 2010, An example for Nepal? FAO Workshop on sustainable feeding Kathmandu Nepal 2012.
  9. Barennes H, Chivorakun P, Vorachit S, Harimanana A, Sengkhamyong K. Epilepsy is not a fate and can be treated in Lao PDR: The Lao initiative on access to treatment for epilepsy. 2011 May 25; Institut Français Vientiane Laos 2012.
  10. Barennes H, hivorakun P, arimanana A, Vorachit S, Rajoanarivo C. Bridging the treatment gap for epilepsy in Lao PDR. 2011 Aug 29; 29th INTERNATIONAL EPILEPSY CONGRESS, ROME August 2011 2012.
  11. Barennes H, Sambany, Sayavong E, Rajoanarivo C, Raobijaona H, Pussard E. Prevalence and prognosis of blood glucose homeostasis alterations in critically ill children in tropical settings. 7th European Congress on Tropical Medicine & International Health Barcelona Spain 2011.
  12. Sengkhamyong K, Phimasanne M, Rene J, Barennes H. Beriberi a persistent cause of infant mortality in 2010. A community survey and cases study in northern Laos. 7th European Congress on Tropical Medicine & International Health Barcelone Spain 2011
  13. Sengkhamyong. K, Phimmasane. M, Rene. JP, Barennes. H. Beriberi a persistent cause of infant mortality in northern Laos in 2010: case study and community survey. The 4th National Health Research Forum 2010. Vientiane Laos
  14. Yang M, Rajaonarivo CT, Rene JP, Xueqin Z, Barennes H. Comparison of labour pain relief versus natural birth delivery in Kunming, China. The 4th National Health Research Forum 2010. Vientiane Laos
  15. Barennes H, Harimanana A, Vorachit S, Chivorakul P. The Francophone Epilepsy Project in Laos. Melbourne Australie 8th AOEC: 2010. Oral
  16. Barennes H, P11 class: P Khattignavong, HV Nguyen, M Lao, KH Nguyen, K Sayteng, K Vilivong, GT Hoang, S Xayaheuang, L Ravolanjarasoa, C Lorgniahoua, E Sayavong, M Loungnilanh, OS Andrianarivo, L Chunmei, X Yang, V Gnothlysack, Christian Rajaonarivo, Y Buisson, Maniphet Phimmasane. Edible insects and insect consumption of Laos, a national survey in 2010. 2010. JITMM 2010& IMC 2010. Thailand Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting. 1-12-2010. Poster
  17. K Vilivong, GT Hoang, C Rajaonarivo, P Khattignavong, HV Nguyen, M Lao, H Nguyen, K Sayteng, S Xayaheuang, L Ravolanjarasoa, C Lorgniahoua, E Sayavong, M Loungnilanh, OS Andrianarivo, L Chunmei, X Yang, V Gnothlysack, M Phimmasane, H.BarennesCharacteristics of edible insects' vendors in Lao PDR. 2010. JITMM 2010& IMC 2010 Thailand Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting. 1-12-2010. Poster
  18. P Khattignavong, L Ravolanjarasoa, C Lorgniahoua, E Sayavong, M Loungnilanh, OS Andrianarivo, L Chunmei, X Yang, V Gnothlysack, K ilivong, GT Hoang, HV Nguyen, M Lao, KH Nguyen, K Sayteng, S Xayaheuang, C Rajaonarivo, M Phimmasane, H.Barennes. Children insect consumption in Lao PDR. 2010. JITMM 2010& IMC 2010 Thailand Joint InternationalTropical Medicine Meeting 2010. 1-12-2010. Poster
  19. Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Glycémie et pronostic chez les enfants avec paludisme grave présumé : doit-on redéfinir le seuil d’hypoglycémie ? 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  20. Strobel M, Thammabanvong V, Keoluangkhot V, Barennes H, Buisson Y, Newton P. Faux médicaments : le problème des faux antimalariques en Asie du Sud-Est. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  21. Buisson Y, Thammavong C, Paboriboune P, Ongkhammy S, Bouchard B, Barennes H. Amélioration du dépistage microscopique de la tuberculose pulmonaire dans les pays à faible revenu. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  22. Barennes H, Phanatda S, Slesak G, Odermatt P, Strobel M, Nguyen TH. Risque élevé de tuberculose latente chez l’enfant vivant au contact de patients tuberculeux en milieu urbain et en milieu rural au Laos, 2006-2009. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  23. Sambany E, Sengkhamyong K, Haraminana A, Somphavong S, Phasavath P, Inthavilay S, Vongphayloth K Thaoboualy T, Empis G, Paulin K, Barennes H. Les connaissances et pratiques du personnel de santé peuvent-elle expliquer la faible prise en charge médicale des épileptiques au Laos? Une enquête nationale, 2009. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  24. Sengkhamyong K, Phasavath P, Phan DPT, Franchard T, Sambany E, Paulin K, Empis G, Haraminana A, Barennes H. Inadequate use of breast milk substitutes in infants in Laos, the 2009 national survey. Congrès Mékong Santé, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  25. Chivorakul P, Haraminana A, Sambany E, Somphavong S, Barennes H. Epilepsy in Laos, access to treatment. Congrès Mékong Santé, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  26. Chivorakul P, Barennes H, Haraminana A. Programme d'intervention sur l'épilepsie au Laos. Congrès Mékong Santé, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  27. Sengkhamyong K, Phimmasane M, René JP, Barennes H. Beriberi, a persistent cause of infant mortality in northern Laos in 2010: case study and community survey. 4th National Health Research Forum, Vientiane 7-8 October 2010.
  28. Yang M, Rajaonarivo CT, René JP, Zhang X, Barennes H. Comparison of labour pain relief versus natural birth delivery in Kunming, China. 4th National Health Research Forum, Vientiane 7-8 October 2010.
  29. Chivorakul P, Jousseaume S, Barennes H. Do we need to order more phenobarbitone to treat epileptic patients in Laos? 4th National Health Research Forum, Vientiane 7-8 October 2010.
  30. Akhavong A, Yang WL, Souvannasone C, Latthaphasavang V, Vongprachang P, René JP, Barennes H. La rage au Laos, une enquête CAP en milieu urbain et rural en 2007. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  31. Chivorakul P, Paulin K, René JP, Chanthavysouk K, Barennes H. Facteurs de risque de petit poids à la naissance en milieu hospitalier, Vientiane, étude cas-témoins, RPD Lao 2009. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  32. Frichitthavong A, Paulin K, René JP, Supiot L, Barennes H. Coûts supportés par la population vivant avec le VIH/SIDA traitée en ambulatoire et hospitalisation en RPD Lao en 2009. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  33. Saioudom L, Rné JP, Strobel M, Tran QH, Chabanne A, Tivet F, Julien F, Barennes H. Risques sanitaires liés aux pesticides : connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des agriculteurs, province de Xayaboury, Laos. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  1. Thongseng M, Naphayvong P, Vongprachanh P, Barennes H, Reinharz D. Analyse organisationnelle de la réponse à l’épidémie de trichinose survenue à Oudamaxay, Laos en 2005. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  2. Vu TA, Siphanthong P, Rakotoniaina JS, Rajaonarivo C, Phonekeo L, Phimmasane M, Chivorakun P, Frichitthavong A, Thammavong C, Rattanavong S, Chanthavilay P, Barennes H. Prévalence de l’hypertension artérielle chez les adultes au Laos en 2008. 8ème Congrès international de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, Health challenges in Southeast Asia, Vientiane 25-28 janvier 2010.
  3. 2009
  4. Barennes H. Traitement des hypoglycémies de l'enfant. Atelier ISPED, Bordeaux, avril 2009.
  5. Barennes H and IFMT P9 class. A qualitative survey to understand the treatment gap in Lao (2008). 2nd scientific meeting on Epilepsy: Access to epilepsy treatment in Laos, Vientiane, 27 May 2009.
  6. Barennes H, Harimanana A, and IFMT P10 students class. Medical knowledge gap about epilepsy in Laos, a national survey of health professional in 2009. 2nd scientific meeting on Epilepsy: Access to epilepsy treatment in Laos, Vientiane, 27 May 2009.
  7. Barennes H. Ensuring children with epilepsy receive treatment worldwide. 20-6-2009. European Society for Developmental Perinatal & Paediatric Pharmacology, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 17-20 juin 2009.
  8. Barennes H. Two examples of researches to improve the prognosis of children with malaria in remote tropical areas: Rectal route of quinine, sublingual sugar. Malaria Workshop, Oxford, 16 June 2009.
  9. Barennes H, Somphavong S, Franchard T, Inthavilay S, Shi J, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Harimanana A. Potential acceptability of a rectal route combination among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics. Malaria Workshop, Oxford, 16 June 2009.
  10. Barennes H. Problems in ensuring children receive treatment for epilepsy. Workshop on Child Health and Medicines, Derby, 23 June 2009.
  11. Barennes H. Two examples of researches to improve the prognosis of children with malaria in remote tropical areas Rectal route of quinine, Sublingual sugar. Malaria Worshop, Institut Tropical Suisse, Bâle, 31 août 2009.
  12. Somphavong S, Franchard T, Inthavilay S, Shi J, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Harimanana A, Barennes H. Potential acceptability of a rectal route combination among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics. Malaria Worshop, Institut Tropical Suisse, Bâle, 28 août 2009.
  13. Jaonary FN, Andrianjaka JR, René JP, Buisson Y, Barennes H. Santé des détenus à la maison centrale d'Antananarivo. 15èmes Actualités du Pharo, Marseille, 17-19 septembre 2009.
  14. Buisson Y, Ongkhammy S, Amstutz V, Barennes H.Amélioration du dépistage de la tuberculose pulmonaire au Laos par la méthode à l'eau de Javel. 15èmes Actualités du Pharo, Marseille, 17-19 septembre 2009.
  15. Phimmasane M, Douangmala S, Koffi P, Reinharz D, Buisson Y. Determinants of non vaccination against measles for infants 9-23 months in 3 provinces, Lao PDR, 2009. 3rd National Health Research Forum 2009, Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  16. Chivorakoun P, Koffi P, René JP, Chanthavisouk, K, Barennes H. Risk factors of low birth weight in 4 reference hospitals in Vientiane capital.3rd National Health Research Forum, Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  17. Phan DPT, Phasavath P, Lan Q, Sambany E, Tran VB, IFMT P10 students class, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Empis G, Barennes H. Use of breastmilk substitutes in infants in Laos: a randomised national cross-sectional survey in 2009. 3rd National Health Research Forum, Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  18. Vongphayloth K, Thaoboulay T, Chaykaodaxue B, Gnothlysack V, IFMT P10 students class, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Empis G, Reinhartz D, Barennes H. Mothers' food taboos during postpartum among breastfeeding mothers and possible factors for behaviour changes, a qualitative survey in 2009. 3rd National Health Research Forum, Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  19. Sengkhamong K,Hansackda V, Souvong V, Phatsavath P, Somphavong S, Inthavilay S, Vongphayloth K, Thaoboulay T, Chaykaodaxue B, Gnothlysack V, Franchard T, Edosoa TG, Shi J, Yang M, IFMT P10 students class, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Empis G, Barennes H. Nutrition practices and behaviors of mothers of infants less than 24 months: a national cross-sectional survey in Laos in 2009. 3rd National Health Research Forum 2009, Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  20. Siphantong P, Corbière M, Harimanana A, Reinharz D. Validation in Laos of an instrument for measuring depression. 3rd National Health Research Forum , Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  21. Wangkou N, Corbière M, Harimanana A, Reinharz D. Validation in Laos of an instrument to measure pain. 3rd National Health Research Forum , Champasak, Lao PDR, 2-3 October 2009.
  22. Barennes H. IFMT thesis on nutrition (2005-2009). Nutrition world day, Cultural center, Vientiane,16-18 October 2009.
  23. Edosoa TG, Souvong V, Franchard T, Hansackda V, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Empis G, Barennes H. Infant's nutritional practice 6-24 months in Lao PDR. 18-10-2009. Nutrition world day, Cultural center, Vientiane,16-18 October 2009.
  24. Phasavath P, Phan DPT, Quing L, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany E, IFMT P10 students class, Empis G, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Barennes H. Inappropriate use of breastmilk substitutes in infants before six months of age a randomised national cross sectional survey in Laos in 2009. Nutrition world day, Cultural center, Vientiane,16-18 October 2009.
  25. Somphavong S, Sengkhamong K, Sambany E, Inthavilay S, Franchard T, Edosoa TG, Jing S, Yang M, IFMT P10 students class, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Empis G, Barennes H. Nutrition practices and behaviors of mothers of infants less than 24 months: a national cross-sectional survey in Laos in 2009. 18-10-2009. Nutrition world day, Cultural center, Vientiane,16-18 October 2009.
  26. Barennes H. What do we know and do not know on children nutrition in Laos? openings remarks. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  27. Barennes H. An exemplary story of attempting to reduce the violations of the international code on the breastmilk substitute, a commercial malpractice stopped in Laos after IFMT survey. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  28. Chivorakoun P, Koffi P, René JP, Chanthavisouk, K, Barennes H. Risk factors of low birth weight in 4 reference hospitals in Vientiane capital. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  29. Duong QT, Souvong V, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Empis G, Harimanana A, Barennes H. Infants less than 6 months: early breastfeeding practice. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  30. Franchard T, Hansackda V, Koffi P, Barennes H. The 2009 IFMT national survey on nutrition: organization, methodology and procedure. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  31. Inthavilay S, Edosoa TG, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Empis G, Harimanana A, Barennes H. Nutritional practices at the age of food diversification. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  32. Keolouangkhot V, Strobel M. Meliodosis: clinical and epidemiological description. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  33. Phimmasane M, Douangmala S, Koffi P, Reinharz D, Buisson Y. Determinants of non vaccination against measles for infants 9-23 months in 3 provinces, Lao PDR, 2009. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  34. Rajpho V, Chivorakoun P, Thaoboulay T, Phimmasane M, Chanthavilay P, P9 study groups, Barennes H. Neglected patients and neglected diseases in Laos, a national survey in 2008. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  1. Sambany E, Somphavong S, P10 IFMT students, Empis G, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Barennes H. Perception and beliefs among the nurses and doctors, a national survey. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  2. Sengkhamyong K, Phasavath P, Sambany E, Phan DPT, Franchard T, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Empis G, Harimanana A, Barennes H. Inadequate use of breastmilk substitutes in infants in Laos. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  3. Siphantong P, Corbiere M, Harimanana A, Reinharz D. Validation in Laos of an instrument for measuring depression. 29-10-2009. Journées lao-françaises de la recherche pour le développement, ICTC, Vientiane, 28-30 octobre 2009.
  4. Barennes , H, Somphavong, S, Franchard T, Inthavilay S, IFMT P10 students class, P, Koffi P, Harimanana A. Potential acceptability of a rectal route combination among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics. Multi-Initiative on Malaria (MIM), Nairobi, Kenya, 2-6 November 2009.
  5. Barennes H, Silaphet S, Franchard T, Inthavilay S, Shi J, Harimanana A, Rajaonarivo C. Potential acceptability of a rectal route combination among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics. Multi-Initiative on Malaria (MIM), Nairobi, Kenya, 2-6 November 2009.
  6. Buisson Y, Ongkhammy S, Amstutz V, Barennes H. La méthode à l'eau de Javel améliore le dépistage de la tuberculose pulmonaire au Laos. 30ème anniversaire de l'Université médicale de Haïphong, Conférence internationale, Haïphong, Vietnam,7-8 novembre 2009.
  7. Edosoa TG, Souvong V, Franchard T, Hansackda V, IFMT P10 students class, Koffi P, Empis G, Barennes H. Infant's nutritional practice 6-24 months in Lao PDR. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM2009), Bangkok, 3 December 2009.
  8. Hansackda V, Phan T, Souvong V, IFMT P10 students class, Barennes H, Empis G, Harimanana A, Koffi P. Infant's nutritional practice 0-6 months in Lao PDR. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM2009), Bangkok, 3 December 2009.
  9. Somphavong S, Sengkhamong K, Sambany E, Inthavilay S, Franchard T, Edosoa, TG, Jing S, Yang M, IFMT P10 students class, Harimanana A, Koffi, Empis G, Barennes H. Nutrition practices and behaviors of mothers of infants less than 24 months: a national cross-sectional survey in Laos in 2009. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM2009), Bangkok, 3 December 2009.
  10. Vongphayloth K, Thaoboulay T, Tran VB, IFMT P10 students class, Empis G, Harimanana A, Koffi P, Barennes H. Food taboos among women during postpartum in Lao PDR. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM2009), Bangkok, 3 December 2009.
  11. Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? MIM Nairobi Dec2009
  12. Barennes H, Somphavong Silaphet, T Franchard, S Inthavilay, Shi Jing, IFMT P10 study group, A Hiarimanana, C Rajaonarivo, K Paulin. Acceptability of the rectal route among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics . Use of the traditional rectal route in the Lao population, JITMM Bankok
  13. Barennes H. What do we know and do not know on children nutrition in Laos? openings remarks. Que savons nous et qu’ignorons nous sur la nutrition des enfants au Laos? Données et réflexions préliminaires; Conf Franco-Lao Nov 2009, Vientiane Laos
  14. Thierry Franchard, Vansana Hansackda, Koffi Paulin, H.Barennes The 2009 IFMT national survey on nutrition : organization, methodology and procedure. Conf Franco-Lao Nov 2009, Vientiane Laos
  15. Khamsing VONGPHAYLOTH, Thanouphet THAOBOUALY, Bounhsouheu, Visone, A Hiarimanana, D Reinhart, H.Barennes . Mothers food taboos during early breastfeeding: a qualitative survey to understand any opening for change in Lao. JITMM Dec 2009, Thailand
  16. Thao Duong Quang, Vimalay Souvong, IFMT P10 students class, K. Paulin, G. Empis, A. Harimanana, H. Barennes . Infants less than 6 months: early breastfeeding practices. JITMM Dec 2009, Thailand
  17. Southisouk INTHAVILAY, EDOSOA Torrencelli Glenn, IFMT P10 students class, K. Paulin, G. Empis, A. Harimanana, H. Barennes Nutritional practices at the age of food diversification. JITMM Dec 2009, Thailand
  18. K. Sengkhamyong, P. Phasavath, E. Sambany, D.P.Thao Phan, T.Franchard, IFMT P10 students class, K. Paulin, G. Empis, A. Harimanana, H. Barennes ,
  19. Inadequate use of breastmilk substitutes in infants in Laos, the 2009 national survey JITMM Dec 2009, Thailand
  20. Vilaysone Razpho, Phetvongsinh Chivorakul, Thanouphet, Maniphet Phimmasane, P Chantavilay, P9 study groups and H.Barennes Neglected patients in Laos. A national survey in 2008. Patients négligés au Laos, une enquête nationale en 2008.
  21. Nengyang Wangku, Vilaysone Razpho, P9 class, P Chantavilay, H.Barennes . Perception and beliefs of epilepsie among the population. Croyance de la population autour de l’épilepsie.
  22. Sambany E, Silaphet SOMPHAVONG , P10 class, G Empis, A Hiarimanana, K Paulin H Barennes ; Perception and beliefs among the nurses and doctors, a national survey
  23. Barennes H, European Society for Developmental Perinatal & Paediatric Ensuring children with epilepsy receive treatment worldwide. Access to treatment for epileptics in Laos. Chamonix Mont-Blanc – France
  24. Barennes H, Problems in ensuring children receive treatment for epilepsy. Workshop on Child Health and Medicines Derby, 23 June 2009.
  25. Barennes H, , Dicko M, Willcox M, Lambert B, Giani S, Diakite C, Dembele E, Diallo D, Pussard E, Graz B: Sublingual sugar a promising early treatment of hypoglycaemic severe malaria children tropics. two pilot trials [abstract]. XVIth International Congress for Tropical Medecine and malaria 2008, Jeju Korea:109
  26. Barennes H, : Risk factors for neonatal mortality in Vientiane Lao PDR, a case control study [abstract]. XVIth International Congress for Tropical Medecine and malaria 2008, Jeju Korea
  27. Barennes H, : Neglected patients in Laos, two cross-sectional survey (2006-2008) [abstract]. XVIth International Congress for Tropical Medecine and malaria 2008, Jeju Korea
  28. Li E, Herindrainy P, Phommaxay S, Wangkou N, P9 study group, Chanthavilay P, Reinharz D, Barennes H, : A qualitative survey to understand epilepsy a neglected disease with 90% treatment gap in Laos . XVIth International Congress for Tropical Medecine and malaria 2008, Jeju Korea 96.
  29. Tat S, Reinharz D, Tran Hai N, Vibol U, Marcy O, Strobel M, René P, Barennes H, : Compliance, évolution clinique et intégration sociale des enfants traités par ARV de 2004 2007 à l'hôpital national de Pnom Penh (Cambodge). XIV Actualités du Pharo 2008, 68:406
  30. Akhavong A, Yang WL, Souvannasone C, Groupe étude P8 I, Latthaphsavang V, Barennes H, : Rage au Laos, une enquête nationale de connaissances et pratiques [abstract]. XIV Actualités du Pharo 2008, 68:434
  31. Barennes H. Tuberculosis in children, 4th pediatrician conferences, Laos March 2008.
  32. Barennes H, , Sayasone S, De Bruyned A, Hongsakhne S, Odermatt P, VOngprachanae P, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton P, Chaicumpah W, Strobel M et al: Survey outbreak of trichinosis in Udomxay province, Lao PDR 2005 [abstract]. 5th seminar on food and water-borne parasitic zoonoses 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:46
  33. Andriatahina T, Xiaojing Y, Thammabanevong V, Latthaphsavang V, René P, Vongprachang P, Strobel M, Barennes H, : Avian flu in Laos. a KAP study during 2007 outbreaks [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007 Bangkok Thailand, 187
  34. Harimanana A, Thongsene M, Sayasene P, Lorvongseng S, Andriatahina T, Latthaphsavang V, René P, Barennes H, : Social integration of handicapped children in Laos [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007- 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:251
  35. Akhavong A, Yang WL, Souvannasone C, Latthaphsavang V, Vongprach P, René P, Barennes H, : Rabies in Lao PDR, a national KAP study [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007- 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:189
  36. Keoudom A, Rakotoniaina JS, Barennes H, , Chantavilay P, Pons R, Buisson Y, Strobel M: Les morsures de serpent au Laos: connaissances et prise en charge. [abstract]. XIV Actualités du Pharo 2008, 68:415
  37. Manivong D, Nguyen Hai T, Andriatahina T, Reinharz D, René P, Strobel M, Barennes H, : Risk factors associated with neonatal mortality in Vientiane community, a case control study [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007- 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:249
  38. Ongkhammy S, H.Barennes , Y.Buisson: Improvement of pulmonary tuberculosis case finding by the bleach microscopy method in Laos [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medecine Meeting 2008 Bangkok, Thailand:2008,
  39. Phanvisouk T, Nguyen Hai T, René P, Strobel M, Camé JD, Barennes H, : Trichinella mother to child transmission during the lao outbreaks (2008) [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007- 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:213
  40. Phommasone K, Pongsavath B, Paboriboun P, Kèoluangkhot V, Barennes H, , Strobel M: Insuline resistance level type 2 diabetes in Laos and north Thailand [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2007- 2008, Bangkok, Thailand:250
  41. Saiobudom L, Keoudom A, Souphantong M, René P, Latthaphsavang V, Martinez-Aussel B, Barennes H, , Strobel M: The helmet or the life? Cranial trauma by traffic accident in Lao PDR [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medecine Meeting 2006- 2007, Bangkok, Thailand:65
  42. Soukhathamavong P, Barennes H, , Odermatt P, Latthaphsavang V, Martinez-Aussel B, René P, Kèoluangkhot V, Vongprachang P, Strobel M: Potential food-born disease risks for travellers in Lao [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medecine Meeting 2006 2007, Bangkok, Thailand:64
  43. Soukhathamavong P, Barennes H, , Martinez-Aussel B, Kèoluangkhot V, Vongprachang P, Strobel M: Risk factors of for childhood urinary bladder lithiasis in Laos [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medecine Meeting 2006-2007, Bangkok, Thailand:84
  44. Barennes H, , Tran Nguyen T, Martinez-Aussel B, Kèoluangkhot V, Strobel M: Risk of tuberculosis among lao children in resource-limited settings [abstract]. Joint International Tropical Medecine Meeting 2006- 2007, Bangkok, Thailand:210
  45. Barennes H, Sayasone S, De Bruyne A, Hongsakhone S, Odermatt P, Vonprhachanh P, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton P, Chaicumpa W, Strobel M, Jean Dupouy-Camet J. Severe outbreak of trichinosis in Udomxay Province, Laos, 2005. 5th Seminar on Food- and Water- borne Parasitic Zoonoses Thailand (5thFBPZ) 28-30 November 2006
  46. Soukhathammavong P, Barennes H, Martinez-Aussel B, Keolouangkhot V, Vonprhachanh P, Strobel M. Risk factors for childhood urinary bladder lithiasis in Laos. Water-borne Parasitic Zoonoses Thailand (5thFBPZ) 28-30 November 2006
  47. Barennes H, Nguyen TT, Martinez-Aussel B, Keolouangkhot V, Strobel M. Risk for tuberculosis among Lao children in resource-limited settings. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2006 and 6thAsia-Pacific Travel Health Conference (JITMM-6thAPTHC) Laos 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2006
  48. Barennes H, Saiobudom L, Chen X, Keoudom A, Souphanthong M, René JP, Latthaphasavang V, Martinez-Aussel V, Strobel V, The Helmet or the life? Cranial trauma by traffic accident in Lao. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2006 and 6thAsia-Pacific Travel Health Conference (JITMM-6th APTHC) Thailand 29 November - 1 December 2006 Phimpha P, Vallee J, Pethsavanh C, Martinez B, Barennes H, Valy K, Strobel M. Prévalence du diabète à Vientiane et étude cas témoins des facteurs de risque. Cambodge Santé, Nov 2006
  49. Pethsavanh C, Phimpha P, Martinez B, Barennes H, Valy K, KhampeP, Strobel M. Facteurs de risque de diabète à Vientiane chez les patients hospitalisés. Cambodge Santé, Nov 2006.
  50. Barennes H. 15 years studies on intrarectal quinine in childhood malaria. Consider using rectal quinine for children. Cambodge Santé, Nov 2006
  51. Barennes H, Nguyen TT, Martinez-Aussel B, Keolouangkhot V, Strobel M. Risk for tuberculosis among Lao people in Northern Lao. District Health Systems in South-East Asia, Vientiane Oct 2006.
  52. Thongkham K, Vongphrachanh P, Barennes H, René JP, Martinez-Aussel B, Keoluangkhot V, Soukhathammavong P, Strobel M. Use and misuse of private pharmacy by population in Vientiane Municipality. District Health Systems in South-East Asia, Vientiane oct 2006.
  53. Manivongsy P, Tuan NH, Martinez-Aussel H, René JP, Strobel M, Barennes H. Neglected patients in remote northern Lao. District Health Systems in South-East Asia, Vientiane Oct 2006.
  54. Barennes H, Tuan NH, Kheopithoune T, Strobel M. Assessing DOTS efficiency through home visit in remote underprivileged settings: Attapeu province, Lao PDR. District Health Systems in South-East Asia, Vientiane Oct 2006.
  55. Barennes H. Bilan de 15 ans de recherches sur l’utilisation de la quinine par voie intrarectale, derniers travaux. Conférence invitée, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, Avril 2006
  56. Barennes H. Les fièvres non palustres en zone tropicale. Conférence invitée, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, avril 2006
  57. Yahirol S, Habe S, Duong V, Odermatt P, Barennes H, Strobel M, Nakamura S. Identification of Human Paragonimus species from Lao patients. 11th International Congress of Parasitology, Glasgow, Aug.2006
  58. Vallee J, Simmala C, Barennes H. L’influence du contexte social et urbain sur les comportements des femmes lors de leur grossesse et après leur accouchement, en périphérie de Vientiane (Lao RDP). Colloque Adelf, « Epidémiologie et Inégalité de santé ». Toulouse, 18-19 mai 2006.
  59. Barennes , H, Sitthivone S, Sayasonne, P Vongprachanh, B Martinez-Aussel, M Strobel. Severe Trichinellosis outbreak in Northern Laos. Cambodge Santé 2005.
  60. Tuan NH, Pariboun P, Thongdam D, Boupha D, Martinez Aussel B, Barennes H, Strobel H. TB dans trois districts ruraux de la province d’Attapeu (sud Laos). Cambodge Santé 2005
  61. Strobel M, Philaysak N, Valy K, Tuan NH, Martinez B, Barennes H, Odermatt P. An Institute for Tropical Medicine in Southeast Asia: IFMT, Vientiane, Laos Medicine and health in the tropics. XVIth International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria. Marseille Sept. 2005.
  62. Barennes H , Balima-Koussoube T, Kambole E, Hema A, Ouedraogo A, Guiguemde TR, et al. Tolerance and efficacy of intrarectal versus intramuscular Quinimax®, a randomised clinical trial in 897 burkina be children with non per os falciparum malaria. In: Elsevier, editor. Third European Congress on Tropical medicine and International Health; Sept 2002; Lisbonn: Acta Tropica; 2002. p. S176.
  63. Barennes H , Pussard E, Straczek C, Kaboré I, Bicaba B, Nacro P. Early expulsion and bioavailability of intrarectal quinine administration in Burkina Be children with non per os malaria. In: Elsevier, editor. Third European Congress on Tropical medicine and International Health; sept 2001; Lisbonn: Acta Tropica; 2002. p. S104.
  64. Barennes H , Traoré M, Chevalier P, Halidou T, Ouedraogo JB, Guiguemde TR. Zinc and Vitamin A supplementation in children : A randomised double blind placebo controlled trial in Burkina Faso. In: Multi Initiative on Malaria (MIM); Nov 2002; Arusha.
  65. Barennes H , Pussard E, Straczek C, Kaboré I, Bicaba B, Nacro P. Intrarectal pharmacokinetics of three formulations of Quinine in children with falciparum malaria. In: Multi Initiative on Malaria (MIM); Nov 2002; Arusha; 2002.
  66. Barennes H , Valea I, Nagot N. Efficacité clinique chez la souris du Bleu de Méthylène sur l'Encéphalopathie Aigue Fatale due à l'intoxication par le fisanier (Blighia sapida). In: VIème Congrés de Médecine Tropicale Francophone. Santé et Urbanisation en Afrique; 2001; Dakar; 2001, pp 41-42.
  67. Dulau M, Valea I, Barennes H. Les injections à Bobo Dioulasso. Risques pour le patient, le personnel ou la communauté ? Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina Faso, 2001.
  68. Barennes H, Pussard E, Kailou D, Munjakazi J, Verdier F. Efficacité de la quinine en solution intrarectale dans le neuropaludisme et les accès graves de l'enfant au Niger. Une alternative aux administrations parentérales de quinine? UNAPSA 8th Congress. Union of National African Pediatric Societies and Associations. Cotonou, Bénin, 6-10 déc 1999:106-7.
  69. Barennes H, Meda HA, Diallo B, Buchet J, Lison D, Ouangré A, Sanou M, Cousens S, Tall F, Van de Perre P. Epidemic of fatal encephalopathy in preschool children in Burkina Faso and consumption of unripe ackee (Blighia sapida) fruit.African Forum for Health Sciences 20th African Health Sciences Congress Accra 19-23rd April 1999. Accra, Ghana, 1999.
  70. Barennes H, Daouda K, Munjakazi J, Fernan M, Mamoudou M, Pussard E, Verdier F. Intrarectal solution of quinine has a good efficacy for the treatment of childhood severe and cerebral malaria in Niger. MIM African Malaria Conference. Durban, South Africa: Wellcome Trust, 14-19th March 1999:B-11.
  71. Barennes H. Le risque lié aux injections intramusculaire de quinine en Afrique de l'Ouest. Journées du Programme de lutte contre le Paludisme, Mopti, Mali,1999.
  72. Barennes H, Fati A. Peut-on améliorer la récupération nutritionnelle ambulatoire à Niamey? 7èmes Journées de la Santé de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso 1998.
  73. Barennes H, Daouda K, Munjakazi J, Fernan M, Verdier F. Prétraitement à la quinine et traitement hospitalier des enfants atteints de paludisme grave au Niger : un problème de santé publique et un problème de traitement. In: d'Ivoire IPdC, editor. Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire; Juin 1998; Abidjan; p. 8.
  74. Barennes H, Munjakazi J, Fernan M, Sani, Granic G, Clavier F, Verdier F. Intrarectal solution of Quinimax® can be effective in children with cerebral malaria in Niger. Preliminary results. In: O.C.E.A.C, ed. XVIIIème conférence technique de l'OCEAC. Yaoundé, Cameroun, 13-16 mai 1997:146-47.
  75. Barennes H. Faut-il fermer les centres de récupération nutritionnelle ambulatoire à Niamey, Niger? Evaluation à court-terme d'une intervention. Colloque Santé en Capitales. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire 1996.
  76. Barennes H, Tahi F. La mortalité néonatale sans solution en Afrique Sahélienne? Bilan et perspectives en milieu urbain à Niamey, Niger. Colloque Santé en Capitales. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire 1996.
  77. Barennes H, Kahiatani F, Pussard E, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawouo S, Verdier. Intrarectal Quinine administered through a new galenic formulation to Plasmodium falciparum malaria children in Niger. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene San Antonio USA 1995
  78. Barennes H. Mortalité néonatale en milieu urbain sahélien: le cas de Niamey au Niger. Bilan et perspectives. Congrès de néonatalogie. Antananarivo, 1994.
  79. Barennes H, Kahiatani F, Pussard E, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawouo S, Verdier F. Preliminary study of Quinine injected intra rectally in children with Plasmodium Falciparum malaria. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the American society of Parasitology. Atlanta, USA1993.
  80. Barennes H, Banos M, Garba D. Dépistage et prévalence de la malnutrition chez les consultants des CSMI de Niamey. Séminaire - Atelier Nutrition Urbaine Cotonou 1993
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7 mai 2015 4 07 /05 /mai /2015 01:51

Personal Thesis and Masters (Bold italic malaria)

  1. Barennes, H. (1999). Evaluation du Quinimax® intrarectal, en alternative aux administrations parentérales de Quinine lors du traitement du paludisme à Plasmodium falciparum chez l'enfant africain. Paris VI, [These Science] Université Paris VI: 247p
  2. Barennes H. Morbidité palustre infanto-juvénile en milieu urbain sud-sahélien, Niamey. [D.E.A. Santé Publique et Pays en voie de Développement] Paris 6, 1994. 46 p.
  3. Barennes H. Contribution à la lutte anti-paludisme : essai clinique du Quinimax® injectable en intrarectal dans le Service de Pédiatrie de Morondava (Madagascar) [Mémoire de C.E.S de Santé Publique] Université Bordeaux II, 1989. 55 p
  4. Barennes H. L’hôpital sans Frontières à N’Djamena Tchad. [These Med] Bordeaux II 1984;6
  5. Barennes H, , Renouil M, Macaigne F, Raoseta V, Raoelina Y. Efficacité de la quinine injectable diluée en intra-rectal dans le paludisme de l’enfant et excrétion urinaire de la quinine. In : 30 ans de Paludisme en Afrique Noire Francophone. Santé Tropicale.com

Book collaboration to book and chapter

  1. Barennes H et al; Epilepsy insight from Laos Cambridge. In press
  2. Stiggler F. L'alimentation des Laotiens Cuisine, recettes et traditions au Laos et en France Karthala 2011. 356p.
  1. Barennes H, , Tahi M. La mortalité néonatale évitable et stratégies adaptées à Niamey (Niger). In: direction JB-Jsl, de), eds. Santé en capitales, la dynamique des systèmes de santé des capitales ouest-africaines. Abidjan: CEDA, 1999:pp47-64, 381 p.
  2. Barennes H, , Alphonse A, Garba D. Prise en charge des malnutris au Niger. Protocoles et pratiques. Ministère de la Santé du Niger, Projet Fac ASFEN, 3ed, Niamey 1997; 65p.
  3. Barennes H. La récupération nutritionnelle de l'enfant marastique à base de produits locaux : le "Koba Patsa" (bouillie de crevettes au riz). A propos de 5 ans d’expérience. in La situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans les zones urbaines en Afrique. Nago, Hounhouigan, De Koning, Gross eds. Cotonou GTZ, CNPMS, 1996:337- 48, 469p.
  4. Barennes H. Quelle prise en charge pour les malnutris? Quelques réflexions à partir de la prise en charge au Niger et des travaux réalisés. in La situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans les zones urbaines en Afrique. Nago, Hounhouigan, De Koning, Gross eds. Cotonou GTZ, CNPMS, 1996:337- 48, 469p.
  5. Barennes H. Prévalence et dépistage de la malnutrition chez les consultants (0-5 ans) des centres de santé materno-infantiles de Niamey. in La situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans les zones urbaines en Afrique. Nago, Hounhouigan, De Koning, Gross eds. Cotonou GTZ, CNPMS, 1996:325- 35, 469p.

Expertise reports

  1. Barennes h, Keita M, Avokpaho E, Quet F. 2012. Safety of intramuscular Artemether monotherapy in human. A meta analysis. Consultancy report 95p.
  2. Barennes H. Health risk assessment of airport extention, Phnom Penh CREDES, Jan 2012
  3. Barennes H, C Rajoanarivo, et al. Evaluation of breastfeeding code in Lao PDR. UNICEF, April 2012
  4. Gilbos V and Barennes H. Health and nutrition project in Houeasay Province Laos. On going expertise for Plan International 2011.
  5. Barennes H, Edible insect in Lao PDR, Nov 2010 FAO 245 pages.
  6. Barennes H. C Rajoanarivo, M Phimasane. Top edible insects in Lao PDR. Insects characteristics, Nov 2010. 130 pages
  7. Barennes H. Understanding and Exploring infants feeding practices, mother food taboos and possible communication strategies in Lao PDR, UNICEF-OMS Dec 2009. 60p
  8. Barennes H. Acceptability of the rectal route among Lao people and Health staff using antimalarial and antibiotics . Use of the traditional rectal route in the Lao population, Welcome Trust, Vientiane Nov 2009. 45 p
  9. Barennes H Evaluation of medical teaching in Laos, Jica : 2008. 45p
  10. Barennes H Evaluation of malaria rapid test and villages health workers in Laos WHO: 2007.50p
  11. Barennes et al. Plan de Développement sanitaire du Niger 2005-2009, Niamey, Union Européenne, Sept 2004. 340p

Films et Video

  1. Barennes H, Zaza salama, la malnutrition en milieu côtier à Madagascar, pour une prise en charge adaptée 1989
  2. Barennes H & Betrancourt J.C. QIR, Quinine intrarectale, Film Pal Secam, Handicap International, Lyon 1997. Primé Festival de Liège 1998
  3. Cinomade 2000. Saa Mana Bô I ka bere woloma Quand le serpent sort, choisis bien ton baton. Conseil scientifique pour le film.
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7 mai 2015 4 07 /05 /mai /2015 01:45

List of publications 2015 Barennes

Publications in peer to peer Journal (Fev 2015) (italic bold: related to malaria)

  1. The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AS-AQ Study Group. The effect of dosing strategies on the therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC Medicine 2015, 13:66 doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0301-z .
  2. Goyet S, Touch S, Ir P, SamAn S, Fassier T, Frutos R, Tarantola A, Barennes H (2015) Gaps between research and public health priorities in low income countries: evidence from a systematic literature review focused on Cambodia. Implement Sci 10: 217. 10.1186/s13012-015-0217-1 [doi].
  3. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Rene J, Maniphet P (2014) High infant mortality and beriberi in northern Laos. PLOS Neglected Disease, 9: e0003581. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003581 [doi]
  4. Barennes,H.; Pussard E. Improving the management of dysglycemia in children in the developing world. AJTMH, 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print]
  5. Barennes,H.; Tat, S. reinhardz D., VibolU. Perceived stigma by children on antiretroviral treatment in Cambodia. BMC Ped, 2014: 14
  6. Barennes,H.; Guillet,S.; Limsreng,S.; Him,S.; Nouhin,J.; Hak,C.; Srun,C.; Viretto,G.; Ouk,V.; Delfraissy,J.F.; Segeral,O. Virological Failure and HIV-1 Drug Resistance Mutations among Naive and Antiretroviral Pre-Treated Patients Entering the ESTHER Program of Calmette Hospital in Cambodia. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 28;9(8):e105736.
  7. Goyet,S.; Barennes,H.; Libourel,T.; van,Griensven J.; Frutos,R.; Tarantola,A. Knowledge translation: a case study on pneumonia research and clinical guidelines in a low- income country. Implement Sci. 2014 Jun 26;9:82.
  8. Rakotoniana,J.S.; Rakotomanga,Jde D.; Barennes,H.Can churches play a role in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic? A study of the attitudes of christian religious leaders in Madagascar. PLoS One. 2014 May 13;9(5):e97131.
  9. Barennes H Willcox, M. L., Graz, B., and Pussard, E., 2014. Sublingual sugar for infant hypoglycaemia. Lancet 383: 1208-
  10. Mozaffarian D, Fahimi S, Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadeh S, Engell RE, Lim S, Danaei G, Ezzati M, Powles J; Global Burden of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Expert Group.Global sodium consumption and death from cardiovascular causes. N Engl J Med. 2014 Aug 14;371(7):624-34
  11. Habe, S., Doanh, P. N., Yahiro, S., Vannavong, N., Barennes H Odermatt, P., Dreyfuss, G., Horii, Y., and Nawa, Y., 2013. Paragonimus paishuihoensis Metacercariae in Freshwater Crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Korean J Parasitol 51: 683-687.
  12. Barennes H Slesak, G., Buisson, Y., and Odermatt, P., 2014. Paragonimiasis as an Important Alternative Misdiagnosed Disease for Suspected Acid-fast Bacilli Sputum Smear-Negative Tuberculosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 90: 384-385.
  13. Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Fahimi, S., Lim, S., Andrews, K. G., Engell, R. E., Powles, J., Ezzati, M., and Mozaffarian, D., 2014. Global, regional, and national consumption levels of dietary fats and oils in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis including 266 country-specific nutrition surveys. BMJ 348: g2272-
  14. Barennes H Aaron, P., Goyet, S., and Srour, L., 2013. Regulation and the food industry. Lancet 381: 1901-1902.
  15. Powles, J., Fahimi, S., Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Ezzati, M., Engell, R. E., Lim, S. S., Danaei, G., and Mozaffarian, D., 2013. Global, regional and national sodium intakes in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis of 24 h urinary sodium excretion and dietary surveys worldwide. BMJ Open 3: e003733-
  16. Goyet, S., Lerolle, N., Fournier-Nicolle, I., Ken, S., Nouhin, J., Sowath, L., Barennes H Hak, C., Ung, C., Viretto, G., Delfraissy, J. F., Khuon, P., and Segeral, O., 2013. Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Transmission in HIV Patients, Hepacam Study, ANRS 12267 Cambodia. AIDS Behav
  17. Sambany, E., Pussard, E., Rajaonarivo, C., Raobijaona, H., and Barennes H 2013. Childhood dysglycemia: prevalence and outcome in a referral hospital. PLoS One 8: e65193-
  18. Goyet S, Lerolle N, Fournier-Nicolle I, Ken S, Nouhin J, Sowath L, Barennes H, Hak C, Ung C, Viretto G, Delfraissy JF, Khuon P, Segeral O. Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Transmission in HIV Patients, Hepacam Study, ANRS 12267 Cambodia. AIDS Behav 2013 April 24.
  19. Harimanana A, Chivorakul P, Souvong V, Preux PM, Barennes H. Is insufficient knowledge of epilepsy the reason for low levels of healthcare in the Lao PDR? BMC Health Serv Res 2013;13:41.
  20. Harimanana A, Clavel S, Chivorakul P, Perez F, Preux PM, Barennes H. Associated factors with adherence to antiepileptic drug in the capital city of Lao PDR. Epilepsy Res 2013 March;104(1-2):158-66.
  21. Slesak G, Inthalad S, Kim JH, Manhpadit S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Bouttavong S, Phengsavanh A, Barennes H. High HIV vulnerability of ethnic minorities after a trans-Asian highway construction in remote northern Laos. Int J STD AIDS 2012 August;23(8):570-5.
  22. Chivorakoun P, Harimanana A, Clavel S, Jousseaume S, Barennes H. [Epilepsy in Lao Popular Democratic Republic: difficult procurement of a first-line antiepileptic contributes to widening the treatment gap]. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2012 March;168(3):221-9.
  23. Barennes H, Empis G, Quang TD, Sengkhamyong K, Phasavath P, Harimanana A, Sambany EM, Koffi PN. Breast-milk substitutes: a new old-threat for breastfeeding policy in developing countries. A case study in a traditionally high breastfeeding country. PLoS One 2012;7(2):e30634.
  24. Harimanana A, Barennes H, Reinharz D. Organizational analysis of maternal mortality reduction programs in Madagascar. Int J Health Plann Manage 2011 July;26(3):e186-e196.
  25. Slesak G, Inthalad S, Basy P, Keomanivong D, Phoutsavath O, Khampoui S, Grosrenaud A, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y, Odermatt P. Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique can diagnose paragonimiasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011 May;5(5):e1048.
  26. Slesak G, Slesak RM, Inthalad S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Kim JH, Gogelein P, Dietz K, Barennes H. A hospital-initiated multisectoral road safety campaign with speed-adapted coconut drop test in Northern Laos. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2011 March;18(1):37-43.
  27. Yang X, Strobel M, Tian L, Barennes H, Buisson Y. [Bacterial flora in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Kunming, China]. Med Mal Infect 2011 April;41(4):186-91.
  28. Barennes Hubert. Early solid food introduction related to early risk of stunting in breastfed children Lao PDR, Pediatrics 22 Fev 2011
  29. Barennes H, Harimanana A, Vun MC, Chivorakoun P. The Lao initiative on access to treatment for epilepsy. Neurology Asia 16, 59-61. 2011.
  30. Phommanivong V, Thongkham K, Deyer G, Rene JP, Barennes H. An assessment of early diagnosis and treatment of malaria by village health volunteers in the Lao PDR. Malar J 2010;9:347.
  31. Inthavilay S, Franchard T, Meimei Y, Ashley EA, Barennes H. Knowledge and acceptability of the rectal treatment route in Laos and its application for pre-referral emergency malaria treatment. Malar J 2010;9:342.
  32. Barennes H, Harimanana AN, Lorvongseng S, Ongkhammy S, Chu C. Paradoxical risk perception and behaviours related to Avian Flu outbreak and education campaign, Laos. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:294.
  33. Barennes H, Keophithoun T, Nguyen TH, Strobel M, Odermatt P. Survival and health status of DOTS tuberculosis patients in rural Lao PDR. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:265.
  34. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, Clavel S, Somphavong S, Wangkou N, Rajaonarivo C, Harimanana A. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2011 March;96(3):309-13.
  35. Barennes H, Pussard E. Lack of alternative to rectal artesunate for pre-referral treatment of malaria ? Rectal quinine as an available and effective health tool. J Med Ethics 2010. Published 30 June 2010 http://jme.BMJ.com/content/36/2/116.full/reply#medethics_el_3566
  36. Ravelomanana T, Rakotomahefa M, Randrianaivo N, Raobijaona SH, Barennes H. [Mother's educational level and children's illness severity in the emergency unit of Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital. What kind of implications]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):75-9.
  37. Ravelomanana T, Rabeatoandro S, Randrianaivo N, Ratsimbazafy A, Raobijaona H, Barennes H. [Is oral rehydration with nasogastric tube more efficient than rehydration with spoon? Preliminary study in children with non-severe dehydration in Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital, Madagascar]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):90-5.
  38. Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? Trop Med Int Health 2010 February;15(2):232-40.
  39. Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, et al. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2010 Aug 31.
  40. Barennes H, Srour L. Breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products Letter to the editor. J Paediatr Child Health 2010 Jul;46(7-8):448-9.
  41. Barennes H, Choonara I. Breast feeding and drug therapy in neglected diseases. Arch Dis Child 2010 Mar;95(3):222-3.
  42. Barennes H, Srour LM. Misleading Prevalence of breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products. Journal of paediatrics and child health 2009;in press.
  43. Odermatt P, Veasna D, Zhang W, Vannavong N, Phrommala S, Habe S, Barennes H, Strobel M. Rapid identification of paragonimiasis foci by lay informants in Lao People's Democratic Republic. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009;3(9):e521.
  44. Ongkhammy S, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y. The bleach method improves the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in Laos. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009 September;13(9):1124-9.
  45. Srour LM, Barennes H: Will Nestlé's Bears Continue to Mislead Parents and Threaten Infants Lives? BMJ http://www.BMJ.com/cgi/eletters/337/sep09_2/a1379#208354
  46. Barennes H, Srour LM: Nestlé's Violations of the International Code on the Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes. BMJ 2009. http://www.BMJ.com/cgi/eletters/337/sep09_2/a1379#204311
  47. Slesak G, Douangdala P, Inthalad S, Onekeo B, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Srour LM, Barennes H: Misuse of coffee creamer as a breast milk substitute: a lethal case revealing high use in an ethnic minority village in Northern Laos. BMJ 2009.
  48. Zwang J, Olliaro P, Barennes H, Bonnet M, Brasseur P, Bukirwa H, Cohuet S, D'Alessandro U, Djimde A, Karema C, Guthmann JP, Hamour S, Ndiaye JL, Martensson A, Rwagacondo C, Sagara I, Same-Ekobo A, Sirima SB, van dB, I, Yeka A, Taylor WR, Dorsey G, Randrianarivelojosia M. Efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for treating uncomplicated falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-centre analysis. Malar J 2009;8:203.
  49. Morineau G, Vun MC, Barennes H, Wolf RC, Song N, Prybylski D, Chawalit N. Survival and quality of life among HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy in Cambodia. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2009 August;23(8):669-77.
  50. Zhou Z, Barennes H, Zhou N, Ding L, Zhu YH, Strobel M. [Two outbreaks of eosinophilic meningitis in Yunann (China) clinical, epidemiological and therapeutical issues]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2009 May;102(2):75-80.
  51. Nguyen TH, Odermatt P, Slesak G, Barennes H. Risk of latent tuberculosis infection in children living in households with tuberculosis patients: a cross sectional survey in remote northern Lao People's Democratic Republic. BMC Infect Dis 2009;9:96.
  52. Taybouavone T, Hai TN, Odermatt P, Keoluangkhot V, Delanos-Gregoire N, Dupouy-Camet J, Strobel M, Barennes H. Trichinellosis during pregnancy: a case control study in the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic. Vet Parasitol 2009 February 23;159(3-4):332-6.
  53. H.Barennes, Moussa Dicko, Bertrand Graz, Eric Pussard, Merlin L Willcox
  54. What is the efficacy of sublingual glucose in children with severe illness ? Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2009 27.
  55. Graz B, Dicko M, Willcox ML, Lambert B, Falquet J, Forster M, Giani S, Diakite C, Dembele EM, Diallo D, Barennes H. Sublingual sugar for hypoglycaemia in children with severe malaria: a pilot clinical study. Malar J 2008;7:242.
  56. Yahiro S, Habe S, Duong V, Odermatt P, Barennes H, Strobel M, Nakamura S. Identification of the human paragonimiasis causative agent in Lao People's Democratic Republic. J Parasitol 2008 October;94(5):1176-7.
  57. Barennes H, Andriatahina T, Latthaphasavang V, Anderson M, Srour LM. Misperceptions and misuse of Bear Brand coffee creamer as infant food: national cross sectional survey of consumers and paediatricians in Laos. BMJ 2008;337:a1379.
  58. Tran DS, Zen J, Strobel M, Odermatt P, Preux PM, Huc P, Delneuville L, Barennes H. The challenge of epilepsy control in deprived settings: low compliance and high fatality rates during a community-based phenobarbital program in rural Laos. Epilepsia 2008 March;49(3):539-40.
  59. Achan J, Barennes H, Byarugaba J, Tumwine JK: The Importance of the Equivalence Trial Design for Comparison of Rectal Quinine Treatment with Other Quinine Applications. Clin Infect Dis 2008, 46:1796-1797.
  60. Barennes H, Martinez-Aussel B, Vongphrachanh P, Strobe M. Avian influenza risk perceptions, Laos. Emerg Infect Dis 2007 July;13(7):1126-8.
  61. Barennes H, Sayasone S, Odermatt P, De BA, Hongsakhone S, Newton PN, Vongphrachanh P, Martinez-Aussel B, Strobel M, Dupouy-Camet J. A major trichinellosis outbreak suggesting a high endemicity of Trichinella infection in northern Laos. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008 January;78(1):40-4.
  62. Odermatt P, Nanthaphone S, Barennes H, Chanthavysouk K, Tran DS, Kosanouvong B, Keola S, Mathouchanh P, Choumlivong K, Keoluangkhot V, Phoumindr N, Nanthanavone S, Phrommala S, Degremont A, Strobel M. Improving tuberculosis case detection rate with a lay informant questionnaire: an experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bull World Health Organ 2007 September;85(9):727-31.
  63. Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton PN, Strobel M. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 March;63(3):323-31.
  64. Barennes H, Tran DS, Latthaphasavang V, Preux PM, Odermatt P. Epilepsy in Lao PDR: From research to treatment intervention. Neurology Asia 2008;13:27-31.
  65. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Delneuville L, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Nubukpo P, Barennes H, Strobe M, Preux PM. Anxiété et dépression chez des patients atteints d'épilepsie à la République Démocratique Populaire du Laos. Epilepsies 2007;20:1-5.
  66. Achan J, Byarugaba J, Barennes H, Tumwine JK. Rectal versus intravenous quinine for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Kampala, Uganda: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis 2007 December 1;45(11):1446-52.
  67. Pussard E, Merzouk M, Barennes H. Increased uptake of quinine into the brain by inhibition of P-glycoprotein. Eur J Pharm Sci 2007 October;32(2):123-7.
  68. Odermatt P, Habe S, Manichanh S, Tran DS, Duong V, Zhang W, Phommathet K, Nakamura S, Barennes H, Strobel M, Dreyfuss G. Paragonimiasis and its intermediate hosts in a transmission focus in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Acta Trop 2007 August;103(2):108-15.
  69. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Preux PM, Strobel M, Barennes H. Epilepsy in Laos: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community. Epilepsy Behav 2007 June;10(4):565-70.
  70. Barennes H, Balima-Koussoube T, Nagot N, Charpentier JC, Pussard E. Safety and efficacy of rectal compared with intramuscular quinine for the early treatment of moderately severe malaria in children: randomised clinical trial. BMJ 2006 May 6;332(7549):1055-9.
  71. Tran DS, Odermatt P, Le TO, Huc P, Druet-Cabanac M, Barennes H, Strobel M, Preux PM. Prevalence of epilepsy in a rural district of central Lao PDR. Neuroepidemiology 2006;26(4):199-206.
  72. Vallée J, Simmala C, Barennes H. L'influence du contexte urbain et social sur les comportements des femmes lors de leur grossesse et après leur accouchement, en périphérie de Vientiane, Lao PDR. Espace Populations et Sociétés 2006;2-3:351-9.
  73. Barennes H, Valea I, Nagot N, Van de Perre P, Pussard E. Sublingual sugar administration as an alternative to intravenous dextrose administration to correct hypoglycemia among children in the tropics. Pediatrics 2005 November;116(5):e648-e653.
  74. Pussard E, Straczek C, Kabore I, Bicaba A, Balima-Koussoube T, Bouree P, Barennes H. Dose-dependent resorption of quinine after intrarectal administration to children with moderate Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004 November;48(11):4422-6.
  75. Barennes H, Nagot N, Valea I, Koussoube-Balima T, Ouedraogo A, Sanou T, Ye S. A randomized trial of amodiaquine and artesunate alone and in combination for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children from Burkina Faso. Trop Med Int Health 2004 April;9(4):438-44.
  76. Nagot N, Meda N, Ouangre A, Ouedraogo A, Yaro S, Sombie I, Defer MC, Barennes H, Van de Perre P. Review of STI and HIV epidemiological data from 1990 to 2001 in urban Burkina Faso: implications for STI and HIV control. Sex Transm Infect 2004 April;80(2):124-9.
  77. Barennes H, Valea I, Boudat AM, Idle JR, Nagot N. Early glucose and methylene blue are effective against unripe ackee apple (Blighia sapida) poisoning in mice. Food Chem Toxicol 2004 May;42(5):809-15.
  78. Huygens P, Konate B, Traore A, Barennes H. [Traditional enema for newborns and infants in Bobo Dioulasso: health practice or socialisation]. Sante 2002 October;12(4):357-62.
  79. Barennes H, Sterlingot H, Nagot N, Meda H, Kabore M, Sanou M, Nacro B, Bouree P, Pussard E. Intrarectal pharmacokinetics of two formulations of quinine in children with falciparum malaria. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2003 February;58(10):649-52.
  80. Barennes H, Baldet T, Cassel AM, Kabire C, Kambou C. [An epidemic risk of yellow fever in Burkina Faso despite a rapid immunisation riposte: role of a multidisciplinary investigation team]. Sante 2002 July;12(3):323-9.
  81. Barennes H, Kailou D, Pussard E, Munjakazi JM, Fernan M, Sherouat H, Sanda A, Clavier F, Verdier F. [Intrarectal administration of quinine: an early treatment for severe malaria in children?]. Sante 2001 July;11(3):145-53.
  82. Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Kahia TF, Meda H, Khenine A. [Tolerance of quinine administered as an intrarectal solution in children in French-speaking Africa]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1999;59(4):383-8.
  83. Pussard E, Barennes H, Daouda H, Clavier F, Sani AM, Osse M, Granic G, Verdier F. Quinine disposition in globally malnourished children with cerebral malaria. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1999 May;65(5):500-10.
  84. Barennes H. [Intramuscular injections in Sub-saharan African children, apropos of a frequently misunderstood pathology: the complications related to intramuscular quinine injections]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 1999 February;92(1):33-7.
  85. Meda HA, Diallo B, Buchet JP, Lison D, Barennes H, Ouangre A, Sanou M, Cousens S, Tall F, Van de Perre P. Epidemic of fatal encephalopathy in preschool children in Burkina Faso and consumption of unripe ackee (Blighia sapida) fruit. Lancet 1999 February 13;353(9152):536-40.
  86. Barennes H, Azzaratou I, I. The cost to families of the hospitalization of their child in niame. Sante 1998 November;8(6):405-10.
  87. Barennes H, Munjakazi J, Verdier F, Clavier F, Pussard E. An open randomized clinical study of intrarectal versus infused Quinimax for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Niger. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1998 July;92(4):437-40.
  88. Barennes H. [Should ambulatory nutritional recovery centers in Niamey (Niger) be closed? Analysis of the situation, proposals and evaluation of an intervention]. Sante 1996 July;6(4):220-8.
  89. Barennes H, Pussard E, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Kahiatani F, Granic G, Henzel D, Ravinet L, Verdier F. Efficacy and pharmacokinetics of a new intrarectal quinine formulation in children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996 May;41(5):389-95.
  90. Barennes H, Tahi FM. [No solution for neonatal mortality in sub-saharan Africa? Evaluation and perspectives in the urban environment of Niamey, Niger]. Sante 1995 November;5(6):335-40.
  91. Barennes H, Kahiatani F, Pussard E, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawouo S, Verdier F. Intrarectal Quinimax (an association of Cinchona alkaloids) for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in Niger: efficacy and pharmacokinetics. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1995 July;89(4):418-21.
  92. Barennes H, Kahiatani D, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawaouo S, Barennes-Rasoanandrasana F, Amadou M, Soumana M, Mahamansani A, Granic G, . [Rectal quinine, an alternative to parenteral injections for the treatment of childhood malaria. Clinical, parasitological and pharmacological study]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(4 Suppl):91-4.
  93. Barennes H, Banos MT, Garba D. [Malnutrition and health status of children under five years old in the suburban zone of Niamey, Niger]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(2):139-42.
  94. Barennes H. Is intrarectal injectable quinine a safe alternative to intramuscular injectable quinine? Trop Doct 1994 January;24(1):32-3.
  95. Barennes H, Raharinivo S, Delorme E. [Intra-muscular injections and post-injectional paralysis. 18 cases]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1993 July;53(3):373-8.
  96. Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Soumana M, Sanda A, Verdier F. Bilan des études et impact en santé publique de l' utilisation de la quinine injectable diluée par voie rectale au Niger. Une solution face au dangers des intramusculaires de quinine chez le jeune enfant? Med Afr Noire 1998;45(4).
  97. Barennes H, Dicko M, Graz B, Pussard E, Willcox ML. What is the efficacy of sublingual glucose in children with severe illness? J Trop Pediatr 2009 November 27;(55).
  98. Barennes H, Ratsimbazafy A, Ratsimbazafy A, Rwagacondo C,. La récupération nutritionnelle de l'enfant malnutri par le "Koba Patsa" (bouillie de crevettes au riz) à Madagascar. 1996;43(8):612-17. Ann Ped 1996;43(8):612-7.

Publications in non peer reviewed journals (Various paper in Santé et Développement, OCCGE info..)

  1. Barennes H, Renouil M, Macaigne F, Raoseta V, Raoelina Y . Efficacité de la quinine injectable diluée en intra-rectal dans le paludisme de l’enfant et excrétion urinaire de la quinine. Med. Afr. Noire, 1993; 40 : 401-403.
  2. Barennes H, Raoelina, Y Raoelina B Evolution des prestations du service de pédiatrie de Morondava(Madagascar):morbidité et morbidité Med Afr Noire, 1995.
  3. Barennes H. Essai clinique du Quinimax ampoule en intra rectal. Med Digest 1989;3:1-4.
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7 mai 2015 4 07 /05 /mai /2015 01:31

BMC Medicine 2015, 13:66

The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AS-AQ Study Group

Link to full free text: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/13/66



Artesunate-amodiaquine (AS-AQ) is one of the most widely used artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) to treat uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa. We investigated the impact of different dosing strategies on the efficacy of this combination for the treatment of falciparum malaria.


Individual patient data from AS-AQ clinical trials were pooled using the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) standardised methodology. Risk factors for treatment failure were identified using a Cox regression model with shared frailty across study sites.


Forty-three studies representing 9,106 treatments from 1999-2012 were included in the analysis; 4,138 (45.4%) treatments were with a fixed dose combination with an AQ target dose of 30 mg/kg (FDC), 1,293 (14.2%) with a non-fixed dose combination with an AQ target dose of 25 mg/kg (loose NFDC-25), 2,418 (26.6%) with a non-fixed dose combination with an AQ target dose of 30 mg/kg (loose NFDC-30), and the remaining 1,257 (13.8%) with a co-blistered non-fixed dose combination with an AQ target dose of 30 mg/kg (co-blistered NFDC). The median dose of AQ administered was 32.1 mg/kg [IQR: 25.9-38.2], the highest dose being administered to patients treated with co-blistered NFDC (median = 35.3 mg/kg [IQR: 30.6-43.7]) and the lowest to those treated with loose NFDC-25 (median = 25.0 mg/kg [IQR: 22.7-25.0]). Patients treated with FDC received a median dose of 32.4 mg/kg [IQR: 27-39.0]. After adjusting for reinfections, the corrected antimalarial efficacy on day 28 after treatment was similar for co-blistered NFDC (97.9% [95% confidence interval (CI): 97.0-98.8%]) and FDC (98.1% [95% CI: 97.6%-98.5%]; P = 0.799), but significantly lower for the loose NFDC-25 (93.4% [95% CI: 91.9%-94.9%]), and loose NFDC-30 (95.0% [95% CI: 94.1%-95.9%]) (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). After controlling for age, AQ dose, baseline parasitemia and region; treatment with loose NFDC-25 was associated with a 3.5-fold greater risk of recrudescence by day 28 (adjusted hazard ratio, AHR = 3.51 [95% CI: 2.02-6.12], P < 0.001) compared to FDC, and treatment with loose NFDC-30 was associated with a higher risk of recrudescence at only three sites.


There was substantial variation in the total dose of amodiaquine administered in different AS-AQ combination regimens. Fixed dose AS-AQ combinations ensure optimal dosing and provide higher antimalarial treatment efficacy than the loose individual tablets in all age categories.

Keywords: Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, Drug resistance, Artesunate, Amodiaquine, Dosing, Efficacy * Correspondence

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10 avril 2015 5 10 /04 /avril /2015 12:32

Sophie Goyet1*, Socheat Touch2, Por Ir3, Sovannchhorvin SamAn2, Thomas Fassier4, Roger Frutos5,6, Arnaud Tarantola1 and Hubert Barennes1,7,8

Implementation Science (2015) 10:32
DOI 10.1186/s13012-015-0217-1


Background: Evidence-based public health requires that research provides policymakers with reliable and accessible information reflecting the disease threats. We described the scientific production of research in Cambodia and assessed to what extent it provides appropriate insights and implications for practice to guide health policymakers and managers and knowledge relevant for translation.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review of scientific articles published on biomedical research in Cambodia.
Regression analysis assessed the trends over time and factors associated with actionable messages in the articles’abstracts.

Results: From 2000 to 2012, 628 articles were published in 237 journals with a significant increase over time (from 0.6/million population to 5.9/million population, slope coefficient 7.6, 95% CI 6.5–8.7, p < 0.001). Most publications on diseases addressed communicable diseases (n = 410, 65.3%). Non-communicable diseases (NCD)
were under-addressed (7.7% of all publications) considering their burden (34.5% of the disease burden). Of all articles, 67.8% reported descriptive studies and 4.3% reported studies with a high level of evidence; 27.4% of studies were led by an institution based in Cambodia. Factors associated with an actionable message (n = 73, 26.6%) were maternal health (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.55–6.13, p = 0.001), the first author’s institution being Cambodian (OR
1.78, 95% CI 1.06–2.98, p = 0.02) and a free access to full article (OR 3.07, 95% CI 1.08–8.70, p = 0.03). Of all articles,87% (n = 546) were accessible in full text from Cambodia.

Conclusions: Scientific publications do not fully match with health priorities. Gaps remain regarding NCD,implementation studies, and health system research. A health research agenda would help align research with health priorities. We recommend 1) that the health authorities create an online repository of research findings with abstracts
in the local language; 2) that academics emphasize the importance of research in their university teaching; and 3) that the researcher teams involve local researchers and that they systematically provide a translation of their abstracts upon submission to a journal. We conclude that building the bridge between research and public health requires a willful, comprehensive strategy rather than relying solely only publications.

Keywords: Health, Health system strengthening, Public health, Research, Knowledge translation, Developing countries, LMICs, Non-communicable disease, Asia, Cambodia


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10 avril 2015 5 10 /04 /avril /2015 11:06
Barennes H, Tat S, Reinharz D, Vibol U.

BackgroundHIV-related stigma diminishes the quality of life of affected patients. Little is known about perceived and enacted stigma of HIV-infected children in resources-limited settings. We documented the prevalence of perceived stigma and associated factors associated among children on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at a referral hospital in Cambodia.MethodsAfter informed consent, a standardized pre-tested 47-item questionnaire was confidentially administered to consecutive children (7 to 15 years) or their guardians if the child was 18 months to 6 years, during their routine ART visits. The questionnaire explored the sociodemographics of the child and the parents, HIV history, adherence to ART, tolerance of ART and perceived stigma. Associations between perceived stigma and the children¿s characteristics were measured by bivariate and multivariate analyses.ResultsOf 183 children, 101 (55.2%) had lost at least one and 45 (24.6%) both parents; 166 (90.7%) went to school. Of 183 children (female:84, 45.9%, median age 7.0 years, interquartile range: 2.0-9.6), 79 (43.2%) experienced perceived stigma, including rejection by others (26.8%), no invitations to social activities (18.6%) and exclusion from games (14.2%). A total of 43 (23.5 %) children were fearful of their disease and 61 (53.9%) of 113 older than 6 years reported knowledge of their HIV status. Of 136 children over five years and eligible for education, 7 (3.8%) could not go to school due to perceived stigma. Incomplete adherence to ART was reported for 17 (9.2%) children. In multivariate analysis, school attendance (odds ratio [OR]: 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.0-7.9) and income of less than one dollar per person per day (OR: 2.2, 95%CI: 1.1-4.5) were associated with perceived stigma. Conversely, receipt of social support (OR: 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9) was associated with lower risk of perceived stigma.ConclusionPerceived stigma in pediatric ART patients remains a significant issue in Cambodia. Psychological support and interventions should be developed in hospitals, schools, and underprivileged communities to prevent HIV-related stigma for affected children.

BMC Pediatr. 2014 Dec 10;14(1):300.

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10 avril 2015 5 10 /04 /avril /2015 10:55

Beriberi (thiamine deficiency) and high infant mortality in northern laos.

Barennes H1, Sengkhamyong K2, René JP2, Phimmasane M2.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar 17;9(3):e0003581. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003581.


Infantile beriberi (thiamine deficiency) occurs mainly in infants breastfed by mothers with inadequate intake of thiamine, typically among vulnerable populations. We describe possible and probable cases of infantile thiamine deficiency in northern Laos.

Three surveys were conducted in Luang Namtha Province. First, we performed a retrospective survey of all infants with a diagnosis of thiamine deficiency admitted to the 5 hospitals in the province (2007-2009). Second, we prospectively recorded all infants with cardiac failure at Luang Namtha Hospital. Third, we further investigated all mothers with infants (1-6 months) living in 22 villages of the thiamine deficiency patients' origin. We performed a cross-sectional survey of all mothers and infants using a pre-tested questionnaire, physical examination and squat test. Infant mortality was estimated by verbal autopsy. From March to June 2010, four suspected infants with thiamine deficiency were admitted to Luang Namtha Provincial hospital. All recovered after parenteral thiamine injection. Between 2007 and 2009, 54 infants with possible/probable thiamine deficiency were diagnosed with acute severe cardiac failure, 49 (90.2%) were cured after parenteral thiamine; three died (5.6%). In the 22 villages, of 468 live born infants, 50 (10.6%, 95% CI: 8.0-13.8) died during the first year. A peak of mortality (36 deaths) was reported between 1 and 3 months. Verbal autopsy suggested that 17 deaths (3.6%) were due to suspected infantile thiamine deficiency. Of 127 mothers, 60 (47.2%) reported edema and paresthesia as well as a positive squat test during pregnancy; 125 (98.4%) respected post-partum food avoidance and all ate polished rice. Of 127 infants, 2 (1.6%) had probable thiamine deficiency, and 8 (6.8%) possible thiamine deficiency.

Thiamine deficiency may be a major cause of infant mortality among ethnic groups in northern Laos. Mothers' and children's symptoms are compatible with thiamine deficiency. The severity of this nutritional situation requires urgent attention in Laos.

access: http://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0003581

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26 octobre 2014 7 26 /10 /octobre /2014 12:43


Improving the Management of Dysglycemia in Children in the Developing World.

Barennes H, Pussard E.


Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print] .link




Improving the availability of point-of-care (POC) diagnostics for glucose is crucial in resource-constrained settings (RCS). Both hypo and hyperglycemia have an appreciable frequency in the tropics and have been associated with increased risk of deaths in pediatrics units. However, causes of dysglycemia, including hyperglycemia, are numerous and insufficiently documented in RCS. Effective glycemic control with glucose infusion and/or intensive insulin therapy can improve clinical outcomes in western settings. A non-invasive way for insulin administration is not yet available for hyperglycemia. We documented a few causes and developed simple POC treatment of hypoglycemia in RCS. We showed the efficacy of sublingual sugar in two clinical trials. Dextrose gel has been recently tested for neonate mortality. This represents an interesting alternative that should be compared with sublingual sugar in RCS. New studies had to be done to document dysglycemia mechanism, frequency and morbid-mortality, and safe POC treatment in the tropics

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  • : Hubert barennes 'blog, Pediatrician, Epidémiologist, a research Director working in Asia, Africa and Central Americasince 1984
  • : Field research in Tropical Medicine, and Mother and Child Health. Malaria, nutrition, neglected disease, HIV, TB, paediatrics, Epilepsy, access to treatment, treatments for children.
  • Contact


Né le 11/01/1956 à Bordeaux, France. Français, marié, 5 enfants.
Pédiatre, Epidémiologiste, Médecin de Santé Publique, Ph D, HDR
Enseignant-chercheur à l’Institut de la Francophonie pour la Médecine Tropicale depuis janvier 2005.
Coordinateur Enseignement et recherche
BP 9519 Vientiane Lao, PDR  
Ce blog est réalisé dans un premier temps pour diffuser nos recherches en matière de Médecine Tropicale.
Il s’agit essentiellement de recherches de « terrain » à visée pragmatique pouvant être facilement utilisée dans les conditions parfois difficile des soins de santé dans les pays en développement. 
Ces recherches ont été réalisées en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar (de 1987 à maintenant), puis depuis le Laos (depuis 2005) en partenariat avec plusieurs équipes et institution de recherches.
Ces recherches concernent plus spécifiquement 4 thèmes de recherche :
Ø       le paludisme (Quinine rectale, traitement précoce du paludisme grave, traitement des hypoglycémies)
Ø       la malnutrition, (récupération nutritionnelle, protocoles à base d’aliments locaux)
Ø       l’épidémiologie d’intervention (investigations)
Ø       la santé publique en milieu tropicale (santé urbaine, transition épidémiologique, malades négligés)


Rectal quinine CID


Here are the latest developpements in the research we performed since 1988 on rectal quinine in Madagascar and Niger. 
Though rectal quinine given early to potenial severe malaria chidlren would avoid a  lot of children deaths in remote areas (just remember that the new drugs such as combined artemisine based treatment are not yet currently available in the field in Africa, but Quininehas been available for years and still very effective with few or no resistance at all in Africa) it has needed 15 years of studies to confirm what was observed 20 years ago in Madagascar i.e: rectal quinine given in adequate conditions (high dilution, 20 mg/kg in 10 cc water) is effective and can save children life. 
Please have a close look on how to use it.  
If  combined artemisine based treatments are available do not hesitate and use them since combined artemisine based treatments have a better tolerance and potentialy a faster efficacy than quinine (trials are still going on in Africa to show that combined artemisine based treatment can save more children than quinine, but this has already been proved by the seaquamat study group (Lancet 2006) regarding cerebral malaria in adults.

BMJ  2006;332 (6 May), doi:10.1136/bmj.332.7549.0-b

Consider rectal quinine for moderately severe malaria

Rectal quinine has an acceptable safety profile in the early management of moderately severe malaria in children who cannot take oral treatment. In a randomised controlled trial by Barennes and colleagues (p 1055), almost 900 children with moderately severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria received either rectal or intramuscular quinine every 12 hours until they could take oral treatment. Although primary safety and efficacy was slightly lower in the rectal group, rectal quinine could be used in the field when injectable disposables were not available, thus guaranteeing immediate treatment. 

To see the article:


Rectal quinine is also effective in cerebral malaria as shown in this randomised double blind trial performed in 2005 in Uganda
and available at 

Rectal versus Intravenous Quinine for the Treatment

of Childhood Cerebral Malaria in Kampala, Uganda:

A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial

Jane Achan,1Justus Byarugaba,1Hubert Barennes,2and James K. Tumwine



Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, and 2Institut Francophone De Medecine Tropicale, Vientiane, Laos


intravenous quinine remains the most affordable treatment. However, administration of intravenous quinine is often not feasible

in rural areas in Africa because of the lack of simple equipment or trained staff. We compared the efficacy and safety of intrarectal

quinine with those of intravenous quinine in the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria.

Although artemesinin derivatives are promising for the treatment of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria,


hospital, we studied 110 children aged 6 months to 5 years who had cerebral malaria. Patients were randomized to receive

either intrarectal or intravenous quinine. Main outcome measures included parasite clearance time, fever clearance time, coma

recovery time, time to sit unsupported, time to begin oral intake, time until oral quinine was tolerated, and death.

In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial at Mulago Hospital (Kampala, Uganda), Uganda’s national referral


meanstandard deviation, intrarectal quinine group vs. intravenous quinine group): coma recovery time, 19.418.1 h versus

17.012.1 h; fever clearance time, 26.716.1 h versus 29.918.1 h; and parasite clearance time, 43.214.2 h versus

41.915.2 h. Mortality was similar in both groups; 4 of 56 patients in the intrarectal quinine group died, and 5 of 54 patients

in the intravenous quinine group died (odds ratio, 1.3; 95% confidence interval, 0.3–5.2). Intrarectal quinine was well tolerated,

and no major immediate adverse events occurred.

Overall, there was no difference in the clinical and parasitological outcomes between the 2 groups (data are


malaria, especially in situations in which intravenous therapy is not feasible.

Intrarectal quinine is efficacious and could be used as an alternative in the treatment of childhood cerebral


Curriculum Vitae

BARENNES Hubert Marie Joseph
Né le 11/01/1956            à Bordeaux, France. Français, marié, 5 enfants.
Résident : Institut Francophone de Médecine Tropicale, BP 9519 Vientiane Lao, PDR  
E-mail : hubert.barennes@auf.org et barenneshub@yahoo.fr   skype : barenneslaos1
Contact en France : 1 imp Larrodé 64200 Biarritz France
                           43 r Pins Francs 33200 Bordeaux France             Tel/fax : 33 5 56 085419  
Contact Laos : 00856 21 450 238    00 856 20 5801742   fax : 00856 21219347

Pédiatre, Médecin de santé Publique, Epidémiologiste, Directeur de Recherche

MPH, PhD, HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches)

Blog sur travaux de recherches : http://barenneshubert.over-blog.com/

Website: http://www.ifmt.auf.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=9


Pédiatre de formation, 1979-1991 et 2002-2004 (France)

29 ans d’expérience professionnelle dont 21 années dans les pays en développement : Asie, Afrique de l’Ouest, Amérique Latine, Caraïbes, Océan Indien. 

12 ans comme chercheur épidémiologiste (dont 6 ans enseignant-chercheur à l’Institut Francophone pour la Médecine Tropicale (Laos) et 6 ans Chercheur épidémiologiste, chef de l’unité d’Epidémiologie au Centre Muraz (Burkina Faso),

6 ans comme médecin de santé publique (Min Santé, Niger),

5 ans comme consultant (Union Européenne, Jica, FAO, Unicef)

11 ans comme médecin clinicien pédiatre (France, Réunion, Antilles, Madagascar, Tchad, Pérou, Salvador),


- Publications en revue à comité de lecture: > 70 

- Publications revue sans comité de lecture, livres, rapports d’expertises: environ 35

Communications internationales: plus de 120 (liste en cours de mise à jour)


(Laos, Chine, Cambodge, Burkina Faso, Niger, Madagascar, France, Canada)



Juin 2007 
Université de Bordeaux II et ISPED

Habilitation à Diriger les recherches (HDR)

Université de Paris VI
Juin 99
Doctorat de l’Université Santé Publique et Pays en Développement
Mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury
Sept 93-Sept 94
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A.) de Santé Publique et PED
Université de Bordeaux II
Sept 85-Juil 88
Sept 72-Juil 80
Sept 79-Juil 80
Spécialisation en Santé Publique (C.E.S.)
Faculté de Médecine, Doctorat en Médecine en 1983
Diplôme de Médecine Tropicale
Université de Toulouse
Sept 80-Juil 84
Spécialisation en Pédiatrie et Puériculture (C.E.S.)
Sept 90-Juil 91
Diplôme de Statistiques Appliquées à la Médecine, C.E.S.A.M.
Attestation de nutrition et de santé publique, Cours du Centre International de l’Enfance, CNAM 1993
Sept 95
XIIème Cours d’Epidémiologie d’Intervention I.D.E.A. Veryer du Lac
Qualification en Santé Publique (Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins Paris 1998)
Qualification de spécialiste en Pédiatrie (Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins de la Réunion 1986)
Ancien Interne de R.S. de Bordeaux (1979-84)
·         Epidémiologie et recherche opérationnelle
·         Supervision et gestion de programme de santé,
  • Recherche opérationnelle et recherche clinique
  • Santé Mère et Enfant
  • Médecine Tropicale
  • Epidémiologie d’Intervention
  • Paludisme, Nutrition pédiatrique tropicale
  • Epilepsie e nmilieu tropicale

Enseignant chercheur, Coordinateur Enseignement et Recherche à l’Institut Francophone de Médecine Tropicale de Vientiane, Laos.

L’Institut réalise un Master de Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale pour des médecins venant de 5 pays : Cambodge, Chine, Laos, Madagascar, Vietnam

Website: http://www.ifmt.auf.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=9


Enseignant responsable d’enseignement des modules de formation:

Enseignement épidémiologie et statistique,

Statistiques avancées,

Méthodologie de la recherche

Santé Mère Enfant,


Médicaments Pharmacologie des médicaments,



Responsables de divers projets de recherches (nutrition infantile, parasitoses, paludisme) et du projet d’accès aux médicaments (Epilepsie)

Coordinateur Programme Corus : Programme de recherche sur les parasitoses tropicales 

Coordinateur Hôte formation Sisea-Pasteur Epidata Analysis (Jv 2011) Laos                                    

Employeur : Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Médecin Référent Grippe Aviaire pour le réseau MAE des médecins à l’étranger
Expérience Géographique : Afrique de l’Ouest, Asie, Amérique Latine, Caraïbes, Océan Indien
Date :
2003-2004    Consultant indépendant basé à Biarritz
Niger (Niamey)
Union Européenne, AGEG
Poste occupé
des services
Mission d’Appui à l’élaboration du Plan de Développement Sanitaire du Niger (2005-2009).
Coordinateur d’une mission pluridisciplinaire d’Experts pour élaborer le document de programmation de la politique de santé au Niger.
Autres activités scientifiques
Poste occupé
Correcteur scientifique final Expertise Collégiale Trachome
Elaboration essai clinique sur le neuropaludisme Ouganda
Elaboration Protocole de recherche nutrition du nouveau né par le Koba Patsa Madagascar
Relecteur protocole d’utilisation à base communautaire du Kit Paludisme
Enseignement. Module Mère Enfant du Master Médecine Tropicale
Date :
De octobre 1997 au 31/12/02
Centre Muraz Burkina Faso (Bobo Dioulasso)
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Poste occupé
Chef de l’Unité Epidémiologie, Vaccinologie et Recherche Opérationnelle
Description des services
Epidémiologiste du Centre de Recherche Médicale intervenant dans les thématiques VIH-SIDA, Paludisme, Maladies émergentes, Vaccinologie et Tuberculose.
Développement de protocoles de recherche sur le paludisme principalement, la fièvre jaune, les intoxications tropicales.
Intervention sur les menaces épidémiques.
Conseil auprès de l’Unité Indépendance Vaccinale de l’Union Européenne,
Participations aux réunions thématiques du Centre Paludisme, VIH-Sida. 
Travaux conjoints avec ces 2 thématiques
Travaux avec l’unité de recherche en Anthropologie.
Conseil auprès du projet HCK projet d’amélioration de l’offre de soin dans la région Ouest du Burkina Faso.
Encadrement et formations doctorales (Pharmacie et Médecine). 
Mises au point et financements d’études multicentriques Nord-Sud, Sud-Sud. Communications et conférences dans les pays de la sous région (Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Sénégal, Togo, Niger, Bénin, Madagascar, Tanzanie, Angleterre, USA, Portugal, France).
Responsable de la sous thématique médicament de l’unité de Lutte contre le Paludisme.
Expertises auprès des pays Africains pour les études sur la quinine (Mali, Sénégal, Togo, Bénin, Ouganda, Côte d’Ivoire).
Recherche et Développement de la technique Quinine intra rectale (Etudes cinétiques, études cliniques Phase II à Phase IV)
Date :
Nov. 91-Juil 97
Niger (Niamey)
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Poste occupé
Description des services
Responsable du programme : Appui à la Direction de la Santé de la Commune Urbaine de Niamey, Projet Mère-Enfant. Projet visant à améliorer la qualité de l’offre de santé pour la Mère et l’Enfant en milieu Urbain (Population 600 000, 11 Centres de Santé et 6 maternités représentant plus de 120 000 Consultations/an et 30 000 accouchements, 2 hôpitaux nationaux..)
Contenant une forte composante épidémiologique: analyse de situation (infrastructures, personnels, patients) à la fois qualificative et quantitative, et un volet de mise en application : -amélioration de l’offre de soins : réaménagement et réorganisation des infrastructures de santé, -formation continue et post universitaire du personnel, -études des circuits thérapeutiques et des coûts.
Appui Institutionnel à la Direction de la Commune Urbaine de Niamey,
Développement des infrastructures (rénovation CSMI et services hospitalier, équipement en matériel ) et au personnel (médecins, infirmiers, sages-femmes) 
 Développement et analyse des initiatives pilotes en matière de santé (Projet pilote CSMI, District).
Développement des outils de santé et des stratégies (Carnets de santé Mère, Carnet de santé Enfants, Guides médicaux, Fiches techniques).
Formation et Encadrement post-universitaires des médecins et infirmiers, Information sanitaire, Formation à la réhabilitation nutritionnelle de l’ensemble des responsables de CSMI, (président fondateur d’une ONG nigérienne spécialisée dans ce domaine),
Direction de 8 thèses de Médecine et Pharmacie.
Recherche opérationnelle : paludisme, nutrition, coût, qualité des soins, néonatalogie, mortalité maternelle et infantile (cf. publications).
Date :
Mars 87 -Aout 91
Madagascar (Morondava)
Ministère Coopération française
Poste occupé
Description des services
Formation régionale personnel de santé
Gestion de service hospitalier
Rénovation des infrastructures
Récupération nutritionnelle, recherche clinique, paludisme
Date :
Sept 84 –Nov 85 et Juil-Sept 86
El Salvador (San Salvador, San Miguel)
Médecins Du Monde
Poste occupé
Description des services
Formation Agents de Santé
Soutien aux Centres de Santé
Gestion médicale Camps réfugiés
Date :
Aout –Sept 1986
Pérou (Piura)
Médecins du Monde
Poste occupé
Description des services
Aide médicale aux populations déplacées
Date :
Janv-fév 81 et Nov-Déc 82
Tchad (N’Djamena)
Médecins du Monde
Poste occupé
Description des services
Responsable d’un service de Pédiatrie dans un Hôpital installé pendant la période de guerre. Prise en charge des blessés et des urgences. Appui au fonctionnement de l’Hôpital.
Date :
Sept 79 –Mars 84
France (Bayonne), Guadeloupe (Pointe à Pitre)
Ministère de la Santé
Poste occupé
Description des services
Médecin Interne dans les services de Pédiatrie, d’Obstétrique, Urgence (SAMU), Médecine, Chirurgie

Depuis 2005 : Vietnam, Madagascar, Cambodge, Chine, Australie, Nepal, Thailande

Formations en encadrement à la recherche sur le paludisme Sénégal (1997 et 2000), Bénin (1998 et 1999), Madagascar (97, 2000) Togo (vaccinations), Côte d’Ivoire (de 97 à 2000), Mali (94 et 99), Cameroun (97)

Missions médicales humanitaires Guatémala (de 84 à 86), Nicaragua (1986), Honduras (84-86), Pérou (83, Inondation El Nino), Tchad (1981-1982) (guerre civile)

Médecine du Travail (Bahamas 1980)

Collaboration à la direction de thèse d’Université : 2                                     (Limoges)
Direction ou codirection de Masters : 46                                                                                (Laos, Bordeaux, Burkina Faso)
Direction ou Codirection de thèses de Médecine : 20                              (Niger, Madagascar, France, Burkina Faso)
Le détail des étudiants et des sujets se trouve à la section Encadrement effectif d’étudiants

Coordinateur Enseignement et Recherche à l’Institut Francophone pour la Médecine Tropicale (IFMT) Vientiane, Laos.
Enseignement du cours Epidémiologie et Méthodologie à la Recherche pour le Master Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale.+ cours santé maternelle et infantile, nutrition, pharmacologie, cours divers
  Enseignement et coordination d'une centaine de mémoires de Masters/thèses                                                                                      
