Here is the update list of publication by tentative categories categories in peer review journal.
List of Hubert Barennes’publications by categories (June 2015)
Global health in developing countries. 2
Emerging disease and infectious disease. 4
-Rectal quinine and treatement of uncomplicated and severe malaria. 6
Rectal treatment for severe malaria (see section malaria) 10
Hypoglycemia and sublingual treatment (Concerns also malaria) 10
Nutrition and breastfeeding. 11
Global health in developing countries.
Road traffic accident
- Slesak G, Inthalad S, Wilder-Smith A, Barennes H (2014) A capture-recapture method to evaluate road traffic accident in low resource areas. In press
- Slesak G, Inthalad S, Kim JH, Manhpadit S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Bouttavong S, Phengsavanh A, Barennes H. High HIV vulnerability of ethnic minorities after a trans-Asian highway construction in remote northern Laos. Int J STD AIDS 2012 August;23(8):570-5.
- Slesak G, Slesak RM, Inthalad S, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Kim JH, Gogelein P, Dietz K, Barennes H. A hospital-initiated multisectoral road safety campaign with speed-adapted coconut drop test in Northern Laos. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2011 March;18(1):37-43.
Research translation
- Goyet S, Touch S, Ir P, SamAn S, Fassier T, Frutos R, Tarantola A, Barennes H (2015) Gaps between research and public health priorities in low income countries: evidence from a systematic literature review focused on Cambodia. Implement Sci 10: 217. 10.1186/s13012-015-0217-1 [doi].
- Goyet,S.; Barennes,H.; Libourel,T.; van,Griensven J.; Frutos,R.; Tarantola,A. Knowledge translation: a case study on pneumonia research and clinical guidelines in a low- income country. Implement Sci. 2014 Jun 26;9:82.
- Harimanana A, Chivorakul P, Souvong V, Preux PM, Barennes H. Is insufficient knowledge of epilepsy the reason for low levels of healthcare in the Lao PDR? BMC Health Serv Res 2013;13:41.
- Harimanana A, Clavel S, Chivorakul P, Perez F, Preux PM, Barennes H. Associated factors with adherence to antiepileptic drug in the capital city of Lao PDR. Epilepsy Res 2013 March;104(1-2):158-66.
- Chivorakoun P, Harimanana A, Clavel S, Jousseaume S, Barennes H. [Epilepsy in Lao Popular Democratic Republic: difficult procurement of a first-line antiepileptic contributes to widening the treatment gap]. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2012 March;168(3):221-9.
- Barennes H, Harimanana A, Vun MC, Chivorakoun P. The Lao initiative on access to treatment for epilepsy. Neurology Asia 16, 59-61. 2011.
- Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, Clavel S, Somphavong S, Wangkou N, Rajaonarivo C, Harimanana A. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2011 March;96(3):309-13.
- Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, et al. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2010 Aug 31.
- Tran DS, Zen J, Strobel M, Odermatt P, Preux PM, Huc P, Delneuville L, Barennes H. The challenge of epilepsy control in deprived settings: low compliance and high fatality rates during a community-based phenobarbital program in rural Laos. Epilepsia 2008 March;49(3):539-40.
- Barennes H, Tran DS, Latthaphasavang V, Preux PM, Odermatt P. Epilepsy in Lao PDR: From research to treatment intervention. Neurology Asia 2008;13:27-31.
- Tran DS, Odermatt P, Delneuville L, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Nubukpo P, Barennes H, Strobe M, Preux PM. Anxiété et dépression chez des patients atteints d'épilepsie à la République Démocratique Populaire du Laos. Epilepsies 2007;20:1-5.
- Tran DS, Odermatt P, Singphuoangphet S, Druet-Cabanac M, Preux PM, Strobel M, Barennes H. Epilepsy in Laos: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community. Epilepsy Behav 2007 June;10(4):565-70.
- Tran DS, Odermatt P, Le TO, Huc P, Druet-Cabanac M, Barennes H, Strobel M, Preux PM. Prevalence of epilepsy in a rural district of central Lao PDR. Neuroepidemiology 2006;26(4):199-206.
- Barennes H, Keophithoun T, Nguyen TH, Strobel M, Odermatt P. Survival and health status of DOTS tuberculosis patients in rural Lao PDR. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:265.
- Ongkhammy S, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y. The bleach method improves the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in Laos. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009 September;13(9):1124-9.
- Nguyen TH, Odermatt P, Slesak G, Barennes H. Risk of latent tuberculosis infection in children living in households with tuberculosis patients: a cross sectional survey in remote northern Lao People's Democratic Republic. BMC Infect Dis 2009;9:96.
- Odermatt P, Nanthaphone S, Barennes H, Chanthavysouk K, Tran DS, Kosanouvong B, Keola S, Mathouchanh P, Choumlivong K, Keoluangkhot V, Phoumindr N, Nanthanavone S, Phrommala S, Degremont A, Strobel M. Improving tuberculosis case detection rate with a lay informant questionnaire: an experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bull World Health Organ 2007 September;85(9):727-31.
Tropical parasites
- Habe, S., Doanh, P. N., Yahiro, S., Vannavong, N., Barennes H Odermatt, P., Dreyfuss, G., Horii, Y., and Nawa, Y., 2013. Paragonimus paishuihoensis Metacercariae in Freshwater Crabs, Potamon lipkei, in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Korean J Parasitol 51: 683-687.
- Barennes H Slesak, G., Buisson, Y., and Odermatt, P., 2014. Paragonimiasis as an Important Alternative Misdiagnosed Disease for Suspected Acid-fast Bacilli Sputum Smear-Negative Tuberculosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 90: 384-385.
- Odermatt P, Veasna D, Zhang W, Vannavong N, Phrommala S, Habe S, Barennes H, Strobel M. Rapid identification of paragonimiasis foci by lay informants in Lao People's Democratic Republic. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009;3(9):e521.
- Zhou Z, Barennes H, Zhou N, Ding L, Zhu YH, Strobel M. [Two outbreaks of eosinophilic meningitis in Yunann (China) clinical, epidemiological and therapeutical issues]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2009 May;102(2):75-80.
- Taybouavone T, Hai TN, Odermatt P, Keoluangkhot V, Delanos-Gregoire N, Dupouy-Camet J, Strobel M, Barennes H. Trichinellosis during pregnancy: a case control study in the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic. Vet Parasitol 2009 February 23;159(3-4):332-6.
- Yahiro S, Habe S, Duong V, Odermatt P, Barennes H, Strobel M, Nakamura S. Identification of the human paragonimiasis causative agent in Lao People's Democratic Republic. J Parasitol 2008 October;94(5):1176-7.
- Barennes H, Sayasone S, Odermatt P, De BA, Hongsakhone S, Newton PN, Vongphrachanh P, Martinez-Aussel B, Strobel M, Dupouy-Camet J. A major trichinellosis outbreak suggesting a high endemicity of Trichinella infection in northern Laos. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008 January;78(1):40-4.
- Odermatt P, Habe S, Manichanh S, Tran DS, Duong V, Zhang W, Phommathet K, Nakamura S, Barennes H, Strobel M, Dreyfuss G. Paragonimiasis and its intermediate hosts in a transmission focus in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Acta Trop 2007 August;103(2):108-15.
Emerging disease and infectious disease
- Slesak G, Inthalad S, Basy P, Keomanivong D, Phoutsavath O, Khampoui S, Grosrenaud A, Amstutz V, Barennes H, Buisson Y, Odermatt P. Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique can diagnose paragonimiasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011 May;5(5):e1048.
- Yang X, Strobel M, Tian L, Barennes H, Buisson Y. [Bacterial flora in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Kunming, China]. Med Mal Infect 2011 April;41(4):186-91.
- Barennes H, Harimanana AN, Lorvongseng S, Ongkhammy S, Chu C. Paradoxical risk perception and behaviours related to Avian Flu outbreak and education campaign, Laos. BMC Infect Dis 2010;10:294.
- Barennes H, Martinez-Aussel B, Vongphrachanh P, Strobe M. Avian influenza risk perceptions, Laos. Emerg Infect Dis 2007 July;13(7):1126-8.
- Barennes H, Baldet T, Cassel AM, Kabire C, Kambou C. [An epidemic risk of yellow fever in Burkina Faso despite a rapid immunisation riposte: role of a multidisciplinary investigation team]. Sante 2002 July;12(3):323-9.
- Barennes,H.; Tat, S. reinhardz D., VibolU. Perceived stigma by children on antiretroviral treatment in Cambodia. BMC Ped, 2014: 14
- Barennes,H.; Guillet,S.; Limsreng,S.; Him,S.; Nouhin,J.; Hak,C.; Srun,C.; Viretto,G.; Ouk,V.; Delfraissy,J.F.; Segeral,O. Virological Failure and HIV-1 Drug Resistance Mutations among Naive and Antiretroviral Pre-Treated Patients Entering the ESTHER Program of Calmette Hospital in Cambodia. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 28;9(8):e105736.
- Goyet,S.; Barennes,H.; Libourel,T.; van,Griensven J.; Frutos,R.; Tarantola,A. Knowledge translation: a case study on pneumonia research and clinical guidelines in a low- income country. Implement Sci. 2014 Jun 26;9:82.
- Rakotoniana,J.S.; Rakotomanga,Jde D.; Barennes,H.Can churches play a role in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic? A study of the attitudes of christian religious leaders in Madagascar. PLoS One. 2014 May 13;9(5):e97131.
- Morineau G, Vun MC, Barennes H, Wolf RC, Song N, Prybylski D, Chawalit N. Survival and quality of life among HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy in Cambodia. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2009 August;23(8):669-77.
- Nagot N, Meda N, Ouangre A, Ouedraogo A, Yaro S, Sombie I, Defer MC, Barennes H, Van de Perre P. Review of STI and HIV epidemiological data from 1990 to 2001 in urban Burkina Faso: implications for STI and HIV control. Sex Transm Infect 2004 April;80(2):124-9.
- Goyet, S., Lerolle, N., Fournier-Nicolle, I., Ken, S., Nouhin, J., Sowath, L., Barennes H Hak, C., Ung, C., Viretto, G., Delfraissy, J. F., Khuon, P., and Segeral, O., 2013. Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Transmission in HIV Patients, Hepacam Study, ANRS 12267 Cambodia. AIDS Behav
Malaria in children
-Rectal quinine and treatement of uncomplicated and severe malaria
- Achan J, Barennes H, Byarugaba J, Tumwine JK: The Importance of the Equivalence Trial Design for Comparison of Rectal Quinine Treatment with Other Quinine Applications. Clin Infect Dis 2008, 46:1796-1797.
- Achan J, Byarugaba J, Barennes H, Tumwine JK. Rectal versus intravenous quinine for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Kampala, Uganda: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis 2007 December 1;45(11):1446-52.
- Pussard E, Merzouk M, Barennes H. Increased uptake of quinine into the brain by inhibition of P-glycoprotein. Eur J Pharm Sci 2007 October;32(2):123-7.
- Barennes H, Balima-Koussoube T, Nagot N, Charpentier JC, Pussard E. Safety and efficacy of rectal compared with intramuscular quinine for the early treatment of moderately severe malaria in children: randomised clinical trial. BMJ 2006 May 6;332(7549):1055-9.
- Barennes H, Valea I, Nagot N, Van de Perre P, Pussard E. Sublingual sugar administration as an alternative to intravenous dextrose administration to correct hypoglycemia among children in the tropics. Pediatrics 2005 November;116(5):e648-e653.
- Pussard E, Straczek C, Kabore I, Bicaba A, Balima-Koussoube T, Bouree P, Barennes H. Dose-dependent resorption of quinine after intrarectal administration to children with moderate Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004 November;48(11):4422-6.
- Barennes H, Nagot N, Valea I, Koussoube-Balima T, Ouedraogo A, Sanou T, Ye S. A randomized trial of amodiaquine and artesunate alone and in combination for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children from Burkina Faso. Trop Med Int Health 2004 April;9(4):438-44.
- Pussard E, Barennes H (2002) Place de la voie rectale dans le traitement du paludisme. Pyrexie 6: 67-73.
- Barennes H, Sterlingot H, Nagot N, Meda H, Kabore M, Sanou M, Nacro B, Bouree P, Pussard E. Intrarectal pharmacokinetics of two formulations of quinine in children with falciparum malaria. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2003 February;58(10):649-52.
- Barennes H, Kailou D, Pussard E, Munjakazi JM, Fernan M, Sherouat H, Sanda A, Clavier F, Verdier F. [Intrarectal administration of quinine: an early treatment for severe malaria in children?]. Sante 2001 July;11(3):145-53.
- Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Kahia TF, Meda H, Khenine A. [Tolerance of quinine administered as an intrarectal solution in children in French-speaking Africa]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1999;59(4):383-8.
- Pussard E, Barennes H, Daouda H, Clavier F, Sani AM, Osse M, Granic G, Verdier F. Quinine disposition in globally malnourished children with cerebral malaria. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1999 May;65(5):500-10.
- Barennes H, Munjakazi J, Verdier F, Clavier F, Pussard E. An open randomized clinical study of intrarectal versus infused Quinimax for the treatment of childhood cerebral malaria in Niger. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1998 July;92(4):437-40.
- Barennes H, Pussard E, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Kahiatani F, Granic G, Henzel D, Ravinet L, Verdier F. Efficacy and pharmacokinetics of a new intrarectal quinine formulation in children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996 May;41(5):389-95.
- Barennes H, Kahiatani F, Pussard E, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawouo S, Verdier F. Intrarectal Quinimax (an association of Cinchona alkaloids) for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in Niger: efficacy and pharmacokinetics. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1995 July;89(4):418-21.
- Barennes H, Kahiatani D, Clavier F, Meynard D, Njifountawaouo S, Barennes-Rasoanandrasana F, Amadou M, Soumana M, Mahamansani A, Granic G, . [Rectal quinine, an alternative to parenteral injections for the treatment of childhood malaria. Clinical, parasitological and pharmacological study]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(4 Suppl):91-4.
- Barennes H. Is intrarectal injectable quinine a safe alternative to intramuscular injectable quinine? Trop Doct 1994 January;24(1):32-3.
- Barennes H, Mahaman SA, Clavier F, Soumana M, Sanda A, Verdier F. Bilan des études et impact en santé publique de l' utilisation de la quinine injectable diluée par voie rectale au Niger. Une solution face au dangers des intramusculaires de quinine chez le jeune enfant? Med Afr Noire 1998;45(4). Barennes H, Renouil M, Macaigne F, Raoseta V, Raoelina Y . Efficacité de la quinine injectable diluée en intra-rectal dans le paludisme de l’enfant et excrétion urinaire de la quinine. Med. Afr. Noire, 1993; 40 : 401-403.
-Malaria treatment (others)
- The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AS-AQ Study Group. The effect of dosing strategies on the therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC Medicine 2015, 13:66 doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0301-z
- Barennes H, Srour LM, Pussard E (2010) Is it too soon to eliminate quinine? Lancet Infect Dis 10: 141-142. S1473-3099(10)70009-8 [pii];10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70009-8 [doi].
- Phommanivong V, Thongkham K, Deyer G, Rene JP, Barennes H. An assessment of early diagnosis and treatment of malaria by village health volunteers in the Lao PDR. Malar J 2010;9:347.
- Inthavilay S, Franchard T, Meimei Y, Ashley EA, Barennes H. Knowledge and acceptability of the rectal treatment route in Laos and its application for pre-referral emergency malaria treatment. Malar J 2010;9:342.
- Barennes H, Pussard E. Lack of alternative to rectal artesunate for pre-referral treatment of malaria ? Rectal quinine as an available and effective health tool. J Med Ethics 2010. Published 30 June 2010
- Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? Trop Med Int Health 2010 February;15(2):232-40.
- Zwang J, Olliaro P, Barennes H, Bonnet M, Brasseur P, Bukirwa H, Cohuet S, D'Alessandro U, Djimde A, Karema C, Guthmann JP, Hamour S, Ndiaye JL, Martensson A, Rwagacondo C, Sagara I, Same-Ekobo A, Sirima SB, van dB, I, Yeka A, Taylor WR, Dorsey G, Randrianarivelojosia M. Efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for treating uncomplicated falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-centre analysis. Malar J 2009;8:203.
Mother and child
- Schantz C, Kruy Leang S, Ly EM, Barennes H, Sudaroth S, Goyet S (2015) Reasons for routine episiotomy: a mixed-methods study in a large maternity hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Reproductive Health Matters in press.
- Harimanana A, Barennes H, Reinharz D. Organizational analysis of maternal mortality reduction programs in Madagascar. Int J Health Plann Manage 2011 July;26(3):e186-e196.
Tropical paediatrics
- Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Rene J, Maniphet P (2014) High infant mortality and beriberi in northern Laos. PLOS Neglected Disease, 9: e0003581. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003581 [doi]
- Barennes,H.; Pussard E. Improving the management of dysglycemia in children in the developing world. AJTMH, 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print]
- Barennes,H.; Tat, S. reinhardz D., VibolU. Perceived stigma by children on antiretroviral treatment in Cambodia. BMC Ped, 2014: 14
- Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, Clavel S, Somphavong S, Wangkou N, Rajaonarivo C, Harimanana A. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2011 March;96(3):309-13.
- Ravelomanana T, Rakotomahefa M, Randrianaivo N, Raobijaona SH, Barennes H. [Mother's educational level and children's illness severity in the emergency unit of Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital. What kind of implications]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):75-9.
- Ravelomanana T, Rabeatoandro S, Randrianaivo N, Ratsimbazafy A, Raobijaona H, Barennes H. [Is oral rehydration with nasogastric tube more efficient than rehydration with spoon? Preliminary study in children with non-severe dehydration in Joseph-Raseta-Befelatanana Hospital, Madagascar]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2010 May;103(2):90-5.
- Barennes H, Sengkhamyong K, Sambany EM, Koffi PN, Chivorakul P, Empis G, et al. Children's access to treatment for epilepsy: experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Arch Dis Child 2010 Aug 31.
- Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton PN, Strobel M. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 March;63(3):323-31.
- Barennes H, Valea I, Boudat AM, Idle JR, Nagot N. Early glucose and methylene blue are effective against unripe ackee apple (Blighia sapida) poisoning in mice. Food Chem Toxicol 2004 May;42(5):809-15.
- Huygens P, Konate B, Traore A, Barennes H. [Traditional enema for newborns and infants in Bobo Dioulasso: health practice or socialisation]. Sante 2002 October;12(4):357-62.
- Barennes H. [Intramuscular injections in Sub-saharan African children, apropos of a frequently misunderstood pathology: the complications related to intramuscular quinine injections]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 1999 February;92(1):33-7.
- Meda HA, Diallo B, Buchet JP, Lison D, Barennes H, Ouangre A, Sanou M, Cousens S, Tall F, Van de Perre P. Epidemic of fatal encephalopathy in preschool children in Burkina Faso and consumption of unripe ackee (Blighia sapida) fruit. Lancet 1999 February 13;353(9152):536-40.
- Barennes H, Azzaratou I, I. The cost to families of the hospitalization of their child in niame. Sante 1998 November;8(6):405-10.
- Barennes H, Tahi FM. [No solution for neonatal mortality in sub-saharan Africa? Evaluation and perspectives in the urban environment of Niamey, Niger]. Sante 1995 November;5(6):335-40.
- Barennes H, Raoelina, Y Raoelina B Evolution des prestations du service de pédiatrie de Morondava(Madagascar):morbidité et morbidité Med Afr Noire, 1995.
Rectal treatment for severe malaria (see section malaria)
Hypoglycemia and sublingual treatment (Concerns also malaria)
- Barennes,H.; Pussard E. Improving the management of dysglycemia in children in the developing world. AJTMH, 2014 Oct 13. pii: 14-0212. [Epub ahead of print]
- Barennes H Willcox, M. L., Graz, B., and Pussard, E., 2014. Sublingual sugar for infant hypoglycaemia. Lancet 383: 1208-
- Sambany, E., Pussard, E., Rajaonarivo, C., Raobijaona, H., and Barennes H 2013. Childhood dysglycemia: prevalence and outcome in a referral hospital. PLoS One 8: e65193-
- Willcox ML, Forster M, Dicko MI, Graz B, Mayon-White R, Barennes H. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for 'hypoglycaemia'? Trop Med Int Health 2010 February;15(2):232-40.
- H.Barennes, Moussa Dicko, Bertrand Graz, Eric Pussard, Merlin L Willcox
What is the efficacy of sublingual glucose in children with severe illness ? Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2009 27.
- Graz B, Dicko M, Willcox ML, Lambert B, Falquet J, Forster M, Giani S, Diakite C, Dembele EM, Diallo D, Barennes H. Sublingual sugar for hypoglycaemia in children with severe malaria: a pilot clinical study. Malar J 2008;7:242.
Nutrition and breastfeeding
- Barennes H, Slesak G, Goyet S, Aaron P, Srour LM (2015) Enforcing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes for better promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Can lessons be learned? J of Human lactation in press.
- Mozaffarian D, Fahimi S, Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadeh S, Engell RE, Lim S, Danaei G, Ezzati M, Powles J; Global Burden of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Expert Group.Global sodium consumption and death from cardiovascular causes. N Engl J Med. 2014 Aug 14;371(7):624-34
- Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Fahimi, S., Lim, S., Andrews, K. G., Engell, R. E., Powles, J., Ezzati, M., and Mozaffarian, D., 2014. Global, regional, and national consumption levels of dietary fats and oils in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis including 266 country-specific nutrition surveys. BMJ 348: g2272-
- Barennes H Aaron, P., Goyet, S., and Srour, L., 2013. Regulation and the food industry. Lancet 381: 1901-1902.
- Powles, J., Fahimi, S., Micha, R., Khatibzadeh, S., Shi, P., Ezzati, M., Engell, R. E., Lim, S. S., Danaei, G., and Mozaffarian, D., 2013. Global, regional and national sodium intakes in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis of 24 h urinary sodium excretion and dietary surveys worldwide. BMJ Open 3: e003733-
- Barennes H, Empis G, Quang TD, Sengkhamyong K, Phasavath P, Harimanana A, Sambany EM, Koffi PN. Breast-milk substitutes: a new old-threat for breastfeeding policy in developing countries. A case study in a traditionally high breastfeeding country. PLoS One 2012;7(2):e30634.
- Barennes Hubert. Early solid food introduction related to early risk of stunting in breastfed children Lao PDR, Pediatrics 22 Fev 2011
- Barennes H, Srour L. Breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products Letter to the editor. J Paediatr Child Health 2010 Jul;46(7-8):448-9.
- Barennes H, Choonara I. Breast feeding and drug therapy in neglected diseases. Arch Dis Child 2010 Mar;95(3):222-3.
- Barennes H, Srour LM. Misleading Prevalence of breast feeding in Laos and substitution of advertised products. Journal of paediatrics and child health 2009;in press.
- Srour LM, Barennes H: Will Nestlé's Bears Continue to Mislead Parents and Threaten Infants Lives? BMJ
- Barennes H, Srour LM: Nestlé's Violations of the International Code on the Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes. BMJ 2009.
- Slesak G, Douangdala P, Inthalad S, Onekeo B, Somsavad S, Sisouphanh B, Srour LM, Barennes H: Misuse of coffee creamer as a breast milk substitute: a lethal case revealing high use in an ethnic minority village in Northern Laos. BMJ 2009.
- Barennes H, Andriatahina T, Latthaphasavang V, Anderson M, Srour LM. Misperceptions and misuse of Bear Brand coffee creamer as infant food: national cross sectional survey of consumers and paediatricians in Laos. BMJ 2008;337:a1379.
- Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Aussel B, Newton PN, Strobel M. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 March;63(3):323-31.
- Vallée J, Simmala C, Barennes H. L'influence du contexte urbain et social sur les comportements des femmes lors de leur grossesse et après leur accouchement, en périphérie de Vientiane, Lao PDR. Espace Populations et Sociétés 2006;2-3:351-9.
- Barennes H. [Should ambulatory nutritional recovery centers in Niamey (Niger) be closed? Analysis of the situation, proposals and evaluation of an intervention]. Sante 1996 July;6(4):220-8.
- Barennes H, Banos MT, Garba D. [Malnutrition and health status of children under five years old in the suburban zone of Niamey, Niger]. Med Trop (Mars ) 1995;55(2):139-42.
- Barennes H, Ratsimbazafy A, Ratsimbazafy A, Rwagacondo C,. La récupération nutritionnelle de l'enfant malnutri par le "Koba Patsa" (bouillie de crevettes au riz) à Madagascar. 1996;43(8):612-17. Ann Ped 1996;43(8):612-7.